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Dance Of Pondering And Poetry

Posted on:2007-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185958913Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Han shaogong is one of the most important authors in the history of Chinese current literature. With great missions and responsibilities for the present society, he keeps improving his writing and never stops working hard and toward. As early as the beginning of 1980's, he has been acknowledged as a promising author by scholars and readers since his works "yue lan" and "fly over the sky" were published. However, not continuing with his former manner, he began to change his writing style since the middle of this decade. The enouncement-like article '"root' of literature" published in 1985 and the novel "Father" won him the honor of "representative of root-seeking literature".Then in 1990's, he published another composing— Dictionary of Maqiao, in which he discards habitual aggression, purposive philosophic token and symbolism writing method in his former works. But he is still considering about the historic and psychic situation of china, and trying to demonstrate the varieties of Chinese traditional culture. In this book, he manages to animadvert the culture of power, violence and affirm the traditional poem culture.This paper is divided into three parts:In the first part, the author analyzes the pluralistic modality of power in "Dictionary of Maqiao". That is, discourse power, empirical power and power of male. These three aspects interact with each other and form a net of power. The arousing of this net can be attributed to the requirement of humanity and the traditional political station of china.In the second section, the pluralistic modality of violence— martial violence, punitory violence and mental violence— is considered. These violence appeared and develops with violence culture which is aroused by political power. Violence has led to a lot of tragedies, so it should be abandoned and non-violence culture should be advocated.In the third part, the author studies the poem language in this book. He chooses this angle for Han Shaogong believes that poem culture is traditional and should be advocated.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Dictionary of Maqiao", power, violence, poem
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