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Stylistic Analysis Of English Broadcasting News Reports In VOA And CRI

Posted on:2007-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360182977616Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Journalistic English is the best carrier of the change and development of English. It is always the focus of linguists' attention. Broadcasting English is very typical of journalistic English and one of the most efficient and convenient way to study English is to listen to broadcasting news. The most popular broadcasting news programs among English learners are VOA, BBC, CNN and so on. In China, we also have an international broadcasting news program—China Radio International (CRI). Do the English news reports in CRI conform to international standards? Do the news reports in it share similar stylistic features to or differ much from those in VOA? Thus a stylistic analysis has been attempted in the present thesis to compare the language features of the news reports between the two news programs. Two corpora— each about 100,000 words—are built in order to make objective and convincing analysis. The news materials are all collected from the official websites of the two programs on the internet. Through comparison, it has been perceived that many similarities as well as some slight differences exist between the news reports in VOA and CRI. The research on it is not only necessary for English learners, but also meaningful for news writers and scholars. Bearing those similarities and differences in mind, they will be more efficient in their learning and understanding of journalistic English.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stylistic Analysis, Broadcasting English, News Report
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