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Study On Art Design Of Children Products

Posted on:2006-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155954113Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The designing of children product has its principle and specialty .How can we fully develop the potential and creativity of children and stimulate their development in psychology and intelligence is the precondition of the study on children product art design. This article expound the designing principle which reflects children' s interest and the to-be-solved problems related to it from such aspect: psychology , physiology , value engineering, designing artistry etc. Facing the great number of children, the developers, sellers, and designers have the responsibility to normalize the products and to develop and manage them in a reasonable way. It will be good for the development of children's growing and the improvement of children's perception, inventiveness and creation.Children learn things mainly through looking, listening, smelling and feeling, and Looking is the most important way. This paper tells the characters of children's observing things from the points their feeling about colors, pictures and spaces.When children are 3 to 4 months old, they almost can distinguish colors. Boys favor yellow and blue while girls like red, yellow best, then orange , white and blue. With the growing of children , their interest in colors changes in the direction from bright to not so bright ones.The children before schooling have special ability of perception, they can usually connect the abstract things to something that is concrete.In the process of developing children products, two principles should be followed. One is that the designing should keep the pace with the need of children's growing, and try to design and develop different things for their respective ages. The other is that the designing of products for children should have artistic quality. Most of the children products precondition interest. The developing also should integrate knowledge into the products, so that children can learn through playing. Many articles for daily use involve security, the children product should pay more attention to it.The coloring of children products is also done under some certain principles. Usually the products for nursing and eating have balanced and light colors while the products for play are bright-colored and beautiful, because the bright colors can attract the children's attention to some degree.As to packing, the simply changing content or pictures are not approved of. This kind of boring things can not draw children' interest. Take a look at the children product market, two defects are obvious . One is that the color is too gaudy, the other is that the packing is dull with no distinguished features. The successful children products involves great attention and careful contemplation. It should be not only harmonious but also glamorous.The lacking of consciousness of brand results in the setback in the development of children products. In domestic markets, some businessmen pack some gaudy and cheap toys together and sell it in low price. The main reason of the above mentioned phenomenon is that the unqualified producers and designers can not keep the pace with our times and their failing in realizing the social responsibility of providing children products.In the interior part of china, it is hard to find some web sites and media to recommend something about children products. It goes without saying that this should be part of widening product design.As to normalizing the quality of children products, the most important thing is to raise the consciousness of designers. Setting up the consciousness of brand in children products will do good for its normalization and serialization.If the early stage of market survey is to present new products to the public through changing roles, then the later stage is the examination of products.The future children products will give prominence to distinguished feature and mingle the entertaining aspect and educating aspect. Thus, children can learn in playing. The function of aesthetic mixed with the function of strengthening intelligence enables this kind of products to be the favorite of both children and their parents. So , adding the function of developing...
Keywords/Search Tags:Children
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