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Themes Study Of Linhao Yin's Novel

Posted on:2006-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J KangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155476188Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Linhao Yin (1954 — 2004), a famous Korean writer in China, spent most of his life in South Lagu village Hai Lin county Hei Longjiang province. There he carried out creative activities vigorously. However, having been ill from overwork, he closed his ephemeral voyage of life prematurely. His death is a great loss to Korean writing world of China. Over 20 years of his writing life, he produced about one hundred novellas, short novels and two full - length novels.Because of living in a small village that is called North Manchufor a long time, his lonely creative life wasn't paid special attention as well as his novels. Although critics made a little brief comment on his works, but there was no overall research and evaluation on his life and his works. Therefore, he didn't find his position in the history of Chinese Korean novels.The penman of this thesis went to visit the relatives of Linhao Yin in South Lagu village in person and on the basis of further investigating, argumentation, collecting, classification the existing and new materials made the evaluation of his life and works in various literary critical methods such as biographical criticize, social history criticize and criticize in theme study.Linhao Yin was always in poor health since he was born, and was ignored by society for his father's historic problem in quite a long period. However, just the misfortune teen—aged experience became motives and important materials of his literary creation. In other words, the basic motives of Linda Yin's creation are lack of motherly love, misfortune background, sickly body and unsatisfied emotions to the rural life.Season of Wolf Howls, a full - length novel of Linhao Yin, which focus on basic creative motives showed his main subjective consciousness, whilethe subordinate subject of his work is the exploration to rural discontent complex and the future of peasant.In Season of Wolf Howls, Linhao Yin not only described a misfortune group features that were hurtby class struggle, but the process of deforming humanity under leftist thought and the endless pursuit of power; he tartly criticized, denied the hypocrisy and callosity of Cultural Revolution by describing young men's frustration and misfortune and the wreck of the old general's idealOn the specific plans of curing unreasonable society given in this novel, though Linhao Yin agreed the recovery of common people's ethics and morals, he preferred the return of primitive life to overcome the social evils.In new period, while other writers are exploring the exit of Chinese Korean novels in various ways, Linhao Yin found the outlet that is the primitive life which brought by harmonious return of human beings and nature.On the whole, Linhao Yin is a representativewriter in Chinese Korean literature. Based on his own psychological ravages of childhood and adolescent, took the nature and the people of North Manchu as background, he created so many vivid features such as the old man named Douman, the old woman who has no hands and Fengnv Wu, a crazy woman. With these features, he lighted the fire of the hoi polloiagain by tartly criticizing the social illusions and cruelness result from leftist thoughts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Linhao Yin, new period, north Manchu, basic motives, and primitivelife
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