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Research Into Schoperhauer's Irrationalism

Posted on:2006-07-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155471632Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern aesthetics, Schoperhauer's irrationalism is rich in theoretic and spiritusal value,which originates from modern philosophies ,the natural science of the 19th century and the capitalistic state in the west .Its enlightenment can be perceived by mesns of the agony of desire ,emphasis on instinct and human body. Schoperhauer holds that desire itself is a form of will, so the achnowledgement of desire equals that of will.His comprehension of desire is drawn from the relationship between desire and agony ,which produces dramatic effect on Freud ,Lakon,Deleuze. Schoperhauer's emphasis on instinct means that on the distinction between human beings and animals ,which is to recognize human themselves and the whole world by instinct rather than enhance rationlism because he thinks rationalism does not enlarge but simply abstract our recognition by instinct and treat it as another kind only. This theory continues to be developed by Bergson. According to Schoperhauer's study, the activities of will and body are the same on the ground that the former comes directly from human's mind ,and the latter is the object of the former.However, he considers body as the basis for the recognition of will. In this respect ,many philosophers are put in his debt, such as , Merleau-Ponty ,Nietzsche, Foucault ,Deleuze, Ferry Eagleton. Schoperhauer's irrationalism in art mainly shows in his understanding of art genius and music. He believes the world only can be comprehended by art whose aim is to test human's presumption. And this work should be carried out by geniuses because they are imagination and crazy .In his opinion ,music reflects the will and shares some similarrties with the outside world. Therefore, Schoperhauer is the founder of modern irrationalism , who outlines this theory and its research methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:Schoperhauer, Irrationalism, desire, Instinct, body
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