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Interpersonal Meaning In Social Sciences Research Article

Posted on:2005-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360122996551Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of market economy, the successful interaction between people has dominated every aspect of modern life. The ability of fruitful communication has been the crucial factor of job hunters. People have paid more and more attention to interpersonal meaning in linguistic studies. As a scientific genre, research article has not been given enough attention, especially in China systematic study on research article is quite rare.Interpersonal meaning (IP henceforth) originates from the three metafunctions of language in Functional Grammar. But they are not the only theoretical framework to which IP belongs. In the study of linguistics and literature, such a tendency can be easily observed, that is, the emphasis on interpersonal and negotiable meaning of language, which is very different from the study of traditional linguistics. The focus of traditional linguistics is the equivalence between form and meaning. The tendency doesn't appear suddenly; rather it is the outcome of the development of consciousness of IP of language.Ever since Saussure distincted langue from parole, two approaches predominate linguistic study, namely, traditional structuralism and modern pragmatics. The former emphasizes the importance of langue, while the latter focuses on parole. Either of which intends to depart langue from parole, so it is not exaggerated to say that they are two extremes in linguistic study. Langue can't be independent of parole and vise versa, because parole without langue doesn't exist and langue without parole is meaningless. To regard language as an activity that takes place in verbal behavior is to give prominence to IP of language.Although it has not been a long time for discourse analysis to be one of the major research fields, it has been a long history for people to be interested in the written text and its related communicative context, for instance, Plato's study on debate and aesthetics. The most influential study of IP is that of Halliday'sFunctional Grammar. He put forward three metafunctions of language (1994) on the basis of former researchers (the Prague School), they are: ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction and textual metafuriction. Interpersonal metafunction means that besides information conveyed through linguistic form, it can also be used to express the addresser's identity, social position, attitude and motivation, etc. By this metafunction, the addresser makes himself/herself involved in a certain context and attempt to influence other's attitude and activity. One shortcoming of IP in Functional Grammar is that to make his grammatical system concise, Halliday only studies mood, modality and key as the major exponents of IP, leaving many other devices unexplored.Research article (RA henceforth) has been one of the most important exponents of a successful scholar. It determines, to a large extent, whether a scholar can get promoted and whether s/he is successful in his/her research. Although a research paper is not the ultimate goal of all scholars, to get a RA published in an international magazine is the confirmation of the outcome of the research and for which many scholars are seeking. RA is a rather formal genre. How does the writer communicate with the reader? Being equipped with some knowledge about IP can help the author interact with the reader more successfully, that is, the author's viewpoint can be more easily accepted. This thesis is the discussion of the linguistic realization of IP in RA with Halliday's idea on interpersonal metafunction as its theoretical framework, meanwhile, we tentatively attempt to develop his theory by discussing some aspects of IP which are not included in his theory.This thesis consists of five chapters, with an introduction before and.a conclusion after the main body.The introduction is about the importance of RA and IP. Literature review is also included in this part. At the end of this section, the author points out the focus of this thesis.Chapter One provides some preliminaries to this thesis. This cha...
Keywords/Search Tags:Interpersonal
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