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On The Financial Policy Of The Roosevelt's New Deal

Posted on:2004-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360095952021Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Between the end of 1920s and the early of 1930s, a economic crisis which was so grievous in American history that no one can exceed it came forth in the U. S. A. . For the sake of saving American economy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the new President of 1933, brought a large-scare reform into effect in America. Because these reform measures had characters of capitalistic improvement, this reform was called Franklin D. Roosevelt7 s New Deal. For the important status in the world history of the New Deal, so far, many scholors in and out have done much research work on it. But the special research on the financial policy of the New Deal is rather weak. It is not allowed to ignore the research on the financial area, because The economic crisis which have swept the whole capitalistic world in the 1930s burst out first in the U.S.A., and Franklin D. Roosevelt7 s New Deal was begun in the financial area. This thesis tried to study the historical background of the New Deal and the financial policy of the New Deal, then discussed the character and the achievements of the New Deal. The whole thesis were divided into five parts to discuss.The first part is preface, introduced the research of Franklin D. Roosevelt' s New Deal in these few years and the intention of the thesis.The second part analysed the historic background of the New Deal. Three small parts constituted this part. The first, the stock market speculation in the end of the 1920s resulted in the crash of the stock market. The second, the crash of the American stock market brought a deadly strike to the original financial system of the U. S. A. and the economy of the whole country. The third, the improper measures which were carried by Hoover' s government and the Fed aggravated the Americanfinancial crisis in the Great Depression.The third part expatiated that Roosevelt took large-scale reform measures in the financial area to save the deadly American economy after his accession. The three steps constituted the banking reform, they are: practicing inflation, saving and reform the American banking system, enhancing the supervision and administration in the stock market.The forth part valued the financial policy of the New Deal. It pointed that the financial policy of the New Deal is a capitalistic improvement to the American financial system, then fully affirmed the achievements of the financial policy of the New Deal.The last part is epilogue. It summed up the historic status of the financial policy of the New Deal.
Keywords/Search Tags:economic crisis, the Great Depression, Roosevelt, the New Deal, financial system
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