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The Study Of Early-Ming's Court Literature

Posted on:2003-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360092465672Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The text is divided into two parts. The first part describes early-Ming's court literature by dividing it into five periods.(l)Pro!ogue( before the foundation of i\ling).In this period,Zhu Yuanzhang and his aides and staff composed poems and prose in reply,which was the prologue of early-Ming's court literature.(2)Climax period [the first year of Hongwu (1368)-the tenth year of Hongwu (1379)]. In the beginningof Hongwu dynasty,Zhu Yuanzhang and his aides discoursed on courtesy and music,composing poems and prose in reply,which brought about the prosperity of court literature. But because it still didn't reach the state of "harmony",so it didn't form "the voice of right beginning" of its true meaning. (3) Sudden decline period [the thirteenth year of Hongwu(1380)-the twenty-sixth year of Hongwu(1393)]. In the middle of Hongwu,because the political atmosphere of "harmony" disappeared completely,court literature declined. (4) Small change period [the twenty-seventh year of Hongwu (1394)-May,the thirteen-first year of Hongwu(1398) j.In the end of Hongwu,because Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to form a civil government,the prosperity sign of court literature reappeared.(5) Short-time prosperity period [June,the thirteen-first year of Hongwu (1398)-the fourth year of Jianwen (1402) J.In the Jianwen dynasty,the emperor and his aides got along well,which resulted in the prosperity of court literature once more.The second part discusses some academic problems of early-Ming's court literature. It mainly includes three aspects.(l)The characters of early-Ming's court literature. There are mainly three features,that is,the literature idea of laying particular stress on utility and practice,a close relation with regional literature and developing tortuously and changably .(2)The practice of court literature and early-Ming's literati mentality 's relationship was complicate.On the one hand,early-Ming's unharmonious literati mentality spread unharmonious factors all over the practice of court literature. On the other hand,the practice of court literature was helpful to form a relatively harmious literati mentality. (3) The practice of court literature guided the direction of early-Ming's literature.Zhu Yuanzhang stroke some regions' literature but supported other regions' literature,which reversed late Yuan's gorgeous and dainty literature style. And what is more,itinitiated a literature style that could embody the atmosphere of a thriving country.Considering the material of early-Ming's court literature is too disorderly,the author compiles The yearly compilation of early-Ming's court literature as an appendix to avoid the writing being too messy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early-Ming's
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