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Lu Jianceng's Literary Activities In Yangzhou

Posted on:2012-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335966087Subject:Chinese classical literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Jianceng(1690—1768),from Dezhou, Shandong Province, was as an official governing the salt shipment twice for more than a decade. During that time, because Lu Jianceng adored Wang Shizhen, he made friends with celebrities in Yangzhou and in areas of south of china, which shocked the literary arena. He was especially famous for the assembly in Red Bridge on twenty-two years of Qianlong. This article tries to study Lu Jianceng's literary activities with his and his friends'literatures during the period in Yangzhou. The paper is divided into four chapters, the contents are as follows:Chapter One, Lu Jianceng's relationship with Shandong Writers. Wang Shizhen is the tire to connect Yangzhou and Shandong Writers. Through transcription activities, Lu Jianceng saved and disseminated Wang Shizhen's and Shandong Writers'literatures. By using the power from editing, Lu Jianceng expanded the influence of Wang Shizhen, and strengthened the links with him.Chapter Two, the first time in Yangzhou. The writer found out from Lu Jianceng's first experience in Yangzhou that this period was for him to accumulation. Lu Jianceng was frustrated in his official career, and then lived in idleness. However, he found out ways of distraction quickly. He made friends with local celebrities, and discussed poem and academy with them. He not only harvested friendship but also accumulated power for the larger scale social activities in the future. Chapter three,the beginning of prosperities. In the eighteen years of Qianlong, Lu Jianceng who was back to Yangzhou was more mature in experience and knowledge. He was not only into the local literary circles quickly, but also tried to organize the intercourse activities. His larger scale intercourse was opening slowly.Chapter Five,the assembly in Red Bridge. The assembly in Red Bridge was the highlight of Lu Jianceng's intercourse activities. Qianlong's southern tour provided impetus for the construction of the sites around Red Bridge. When the construction was done, a large number of southern gifted scholars gathered in Yangzhou with the driven by Lu Jianceng's intercourse activities. In the meanwhile, the relationship between the scholars in Yangzhou and Lu Jianceng was subtle and complex. They struggled in pursuing individuality or just following his ideas. Red Bridge provided posterity to imagine the prosperities of Yangzhou with the new subject-matters.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Jianceng, Yangzhou, Traditional Culture, the Assembly in Red Bridge, local Literature Tradition, Qing Literature
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