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Liu Qing Tradition In Shaanxi Literature In The New Period

Posted on:2021-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330620470391Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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Shaanxi writers all had a process of learning from Liu Qing and walking out of him,Chen Zhongshi once said.Learning from Liu Qing made them embark on the road of creation,while walking out of Liu Qing made them find “their own literary sentences” and become “one of a kind” in the literary world.And Lu Yao and Jia Pingwa also frankly stated Liu Qing's important influence on them on different occasions.It is an important academic question to study how Liu Qing has influenced Shaanxi writers and how Shaanxi writers accepted Liu Qing's influence.In this paper,Liu Qing's important influence on Lu Yao,Chen Zhongshi and Jia Pingwa,that is,Lu Yao and other two writers' inheritance of Liu Qing,are summarized as “Liu Qing tradition”.It is believed that “Liu Qing tradition” is to reveal the historical development context and trend in a literary way,to inherit the era style and the living conditions of farmers in the form of epic,to take root in the folk,to record the reality,and to be full of humanistic concern for the living conditions of the people at the bottom.It not only pays attention to and understands the requirements of the times,but also does not give up the writer's sense of mission and personal artistic pursuit,and find a meeting point in the context of the times and the expression of life experience.However,every writer will integrate his own thinking and life experience into his creation,thus showing his different creative personality.It is an important academic issue to study the inheritance of “Liu Qing tradition” by Shaanxi writers in the new period,but it is also of academic significance to discuss how they walk out of Liu Qing on the basis of learning from him,how they show their creative personality and form a unique creative style that is different from other writers.Lu Yao,Chen Zhongshi and Jia Pingwa,on the basis of inheriting the pursuit of epic novels,created a life epic different from the revolutionary epic History of Entrepreneurship,made the revolutionary heroes return to the ordinary from the altar,which deconstructed the grand narrative form of the revolutionary epic and dispelled the aesthetic characteristics of its lofty aesthetics.Based on Liu Qing's “School of life” creation idea,they even sublimated life experience to life experience.This not only stems from the different meanings of literary choices to them,but also lies in the differences in the identification of peasant narrators.Thus,Shaanxi writers in the new period “walked out” of Liu Qing and found their own unique creative fields.Lu Yao held a positive attitude towards the traditional family ethical relationship,and vigorously exaggerated the strong appeal of family affection;Chen Zhongshi criticized the sense of “filial piety” and “be faithful to one's husband unto death” in national ethics and morality,deeply exposed the essence of “trample on human rights” behind it;Jia Pingwa sank into the contradiction between persistence and confusion about traditional ethics.His ideal rural ethics should be a state of harmonious coexistence between traditional ethics and modern ethics.Although it is only an ideal Utopia at present,it points out the direction for the future development of rural areas.It has to be said that Liu Qing,Lu Yao,Chen Zhongshi,and Jia Pingwa show the same limitations in humanistic care and moral thinking,that is,the lack of female image formation from the patriarchal perspective and the bias of urban and rural moral thinking under revolutionary ethics.This not only reflects a certain degree of conservatism and stubbornness in Shaanxi writers' creative thoughts,but also fails to build a developing city image and its new significance for social life,which naturally constitutes the lack and regret in the development of Shaanxi literature.Lu Yao,Chen Zhongshi and Jia Pingwa,as representatives of Shaanxi literature in the new period,inherited the creation experience of “Liu Qing tradition” and walked out of Liu Qing by integrating different life experiences into their creation practices.And they continue to enrich and develop the “Liu Qing tradition” in the exploration of surpassing the predecessors and breaking through their own,making it an endless object.Reviewing the “Liu Qing tradition”,a valuable creative resource,is of great significance to the healthy development of the current Shaanxi literature and the whole Chinese contemporary literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shaanxi Literature, Liu Qing tradition, Lu Yao, Chen Zhongshi, Jia Pingwa
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