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The Research Of Overlapping Forms Of Adjectives About Dream Of Red Mansions

Posted on:2012-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335468764Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
N this paper, "Dream of Red Mansions" in the adjective overlap as the research object of the adjective form of overlapping structures, syntactic function, grammatical meaning, etc., and we made a comparison with the "Dream of Red Mansions" and "xing shi yin yuan zhuan" in the adjective situation. The paper is divided into six chapters:The first chapter is an introduction parts:in this chapter, we main introduced the Linguistic research situation of the "Dream of Red Mansions", and the reason we choose the topics, and the overlapping range of adjectives used and a simple other instructions.The second chapter analyzes the "Dream of Red Mansions" in the adjective form of the classification and characteristics overlap. The Adjective forms of the "Dream of Red Mansions" is very active, and it has been fully developed. In total of Dream of Red Mansions" there are 7 Adjective forms, that is, AA-type AABB type, ABB type, ABAB type, ABAC type and BAA-type, we can divided AA type, AABB type, ABB type into several categories from the original style features. In this paper, we detailed do a comprehensive description in this seven chaptersThe third chapter analyzes the Overlapping form of syntactic functions of the "Dream of Red Mansions", After exhaustive investigation, we summarized the syntactic functions and features of the "Dream of Red Mansions" the adjective is not only can be used for duplication adverbial predicate, complement, attribute, but also as subject, object, independent of language, syntactic function, and the syntactic functions is well established.The fourth chapter analyzes the Adjectives grammatical meaning of the Dream of Red Mansions. This article is from the measured characteristics, image characteristics and evaluation of three features to reveal the semantic nature.Fifth chapter made a comparison with "Dream of Red Mansions" between "xing shi yin yuan zhuan" and the modern Chinese usage of Adjectives to reveal the unique use of Adjectives. In this article we from the forms, the combination of features, limiting scope to made the comparison.The last Chapter is the conclusion. It is the analysis of a generalization which made from the analysis, and the chapter also point out the problems and future research directions.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Dream of Red Mansions", overlapping forms, research, Comparison
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