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The Four Elements Of Relational Study In Cultural Communication

Posted on:2012-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332994970Subject:Literature and art
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Cultural communication is a basic human communication form, one of the practice of the basic human activity. In the era of globalization, cultural communication becomes another important means of communication between countries besides the political, economic and military communication. To achieve a true renaissance of the Chinese nation, we need to promote Chinese culture "going out". Regional powers of China to the world by the powers, not only to establish the political, economic and military great power, but also to establish a country of culture and cultural output through establishing the image of China's great power. The development of China requires"hard power "and needs" soft power". China should improve the overall strength in the communication of best impact with all human civilization. Cultural diversity and development are the development of human civilization, are also the human pursuit of the goal, China exports to the world fine national culture is the development of human cultural diversity to china as a country should bear responsibility.Cultural communication is a system project involved the great cultural activities. From the various activities of cultural communication ,this paper refines four basic concepts :cultural resources , cultural products, cultural industry and cultural output, the four concepts constitute four basic elements of cultural communication, it is logical connections between the four basic elements:cultural resource is the logical beginning of cultural communication,cultural output is the logical end of cultural communication, and cultural products and cultural industry are the two key links of cultural communication. their logical relationships are:any one culture resource to be effectively protected, it must to become cultural product, any kind of cultural product to meet the market competitiveness, we must make it to be the form of cultural industry , any kind of cultural industry want to be better and stronger, must undertake culture output.Human beings cannot exist without natural resources, as well as cultural resources , cultural resources are the basic of all human cultural activities, culture resources is the prerequisite of cultural communication as one of the basis of human activities. In the globalization of economic and cultural integration ,as natural resources are scarce, cultural resources also exist scarce, the first question of cultural communication is the global competition of culture resources. Cultural communication is not abolition of national, but as the national cultural resources are basic elements to build a valuable concept, and provide cultural products and services to strengthen the national cultural identity and cultural identification. Also the protection of national cultural resources are not destruction and loss, it is to safeguard cultural safe for defendants. Cultural products exploit and use the cultural resources and make the resources potential value to show the value of it. Cultural products are between cultural resources and culture industry, and are a major carrier of cultural communication, especially the artistic products of cultural products, they are a unique creative expression of nation, and are the most active and competitive part of cultural communication. From cultural resources to cultural products, it is not a natural process, but an innovation process. There is a problem of cultural resources value to find and modern translation. Therefore, we must deal with four aspects:globalization of cultural resources, modernization of traditional culture, world of national culture, branding of regional culture ".The core of cultural industry is the production and dissemination of culture products, is also one of the important indicators of a national comprehensive power. Cultural industry is between the cultural products and cultural output, is an important power system of cultural communication. Cultural industry is called creative industry, it relies on traditional cultural resources and the wisdom of the creator, inspiration, and with the help of modern high technology it packages,reforms and improves the traditional cultural resources. High knowledge, high integration, high value-added are the basic characteristics of cultural industry, it can provide significant support in content, capital, information and personnel in all aspects of cultural communication. Advantage of the cultural industry must first have to create national policy support, followed by the regional cultural resources to effectively integrate and orderly development; the third to maintain the characteristics of cultural products is the soul of cultural industries; fourth civic culture determine consumer awareness of the cultural market prosperity.Cultural output is the logical destination of cultural communication, the pattern of integration in the global market, the cultural output is a national cultural development must be going. The real cultural output is supported by the cultural industry to win his national identity and earn foreign currency for the purpose of his country. Culture output embodies the fundamental value of cultural communication:promotion of national cultural development, to change the culture trade deficit, enhance national soft power .Cultural output should follow the following principles:overall output, selection leads, industry driven from near and far, to comply with practices, attention to translation. Globalization and cultural development requires a world eyes, and any cultural activity to create any a cultural product must have the quality and ability to communicate with the world. Cultural communication should handle well the four basically relationships:one is the use of the two resources, it is the valuable national resource and culture of human civilization ; two kinds of ability, culture and innovation ability and cultural communication capability ; three is to expand the two sources, official communication and folk communication ; fourth, the two markets, domestic and international cultural markets.Any one culture and the traditional of forming itself are related, essentially, culture is a national flag. If you want to know how a nation, we must understand the culture; to set up a national image, the final task is to set up its cultural image. Therefore, in the strategic choice of the cultural development , it will be used by the double round (cultural undertakings and cultural industries) into triangle round(cultural undertakings and culture industry and cultural communication), culture flourish and to protect the cultural rights of the people; to develop cultural industry and upgrade China's soft power ; conducted extensive cultural communications, and establish the responsibility to play a big country cultural image .
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural communication, four elements, relation, study
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