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Effect Of Emotion And Task-self Related On Crisis Decision Making

Posted on:2012-07-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332990419Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Both organizations and individuals could be in crisis. In recent years, frequent disasters were happened to China and a huge threat of human life and property were caused by natural and man-made disasters. Researchers paid attention to crisis decision-making in consequences. Crisis decision-making refers to a judge and quick react process for crisis of decision-makers under the condition of limited time, information and human resources. Uncertainty abounded, stakes were very high, information was little, and there is a very short period in which to operate.It was known that emotion plays a part in decision making. But earlier research on emotion was based on the valence, which divided emotion into positive and negative generally. In recent years, researches on specific emotions'theories such as Appraisal Tendency Framework Theory (ATF) were supplement and development of researches based on valence emotions, and enriched decision-making research in the field. But researchers supplied more proof about the role of emotion on crisis decision-making from a point of view and less from empirical researches, especially for specific emotions. Researches showed emotion influenced decision making under different task-self related condition. There was no consistent point of view theoretically on task-self related influences decision making, although the influence has been verified. We would like to treat of whether task-self related exert a similar effect on crisis decision making as risk decision making or not under a special crisis situation.On the basis of former researches, we drew lessons from risk decision making paradigm and drew up Crisis decision making materials. This article researched effects about emotion and task-self related on crisis decision making when faced of crisis event. In experiment 1, we recruited 102 undergraduate students as subjects. An emotion 2(neutral, negative) x task-self related 2(high, low) between subject experimental design was adapted to exam the roles of emotion and task-self related on crisis decision making. We induced emotions by the means of watching videos and found emotion and task-self related influenced crisis decision making. And then 104 undergraduate students were recruited as subjects in experiment 2. An emotion 2(fear, anger) x task-self related 2(high, low) between subject experimental design was adapted found different emotions under the same valence and task-self related influenced crisis decision making. Studies of accountability have shown that accountability made people considered more on decision problems. Emotion on appraisal tendencies would be deactivated when decision-makers became aware of their own judgment and choice processes. Thus we added accountability as an independent variable to decreased the effect of emotion on crisis decision making in experiment 3, designed an emotion 2(fear, anger) x task-self related 2(high, low) x accountability 2(have, none) between subject experimental design of 208 students to exam the influences of emotion, task-self related and accountability on crisis decision making.Conclusion as follows:(1):High task-self related made participants choose an adventurous choice with a long crisis decision time.(2):Participants in negative emotion had an adventurous tendency than neutral emotion; crisis decision time had no difference under different emotions.(3):Angry participants had an adventurous tendency than fear ones, emotion had no influence on crisis decision time.(4):Participants who had no accountability had a short crisis decision time. To compare with accountability group, participants with no accountability had an adventurous tendency in angry condition, but had no difference in fear condition, that showed accountability decreased the adventurous tendency of angry participants.
Keywords/Search Tags:crisis decision making, emotion, task-self related, accountability
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