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The Legalism Culture Research Of Zheng State

Posted on:2012-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332989778Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The spring and autumn period in Chinese history is full of high-spirited changes , and agitated greatly in political, economic, ideological and cultural aspects. The most violent revolution in this period is the ideological culture change. "The decline of propriety and music " situation is the concentrated expression of the disintegration of superstructure areas in slavery, provide excellent opportunities for legal to get rid of the bondage of ritual. In order to make up for social disorder produced by "the ritual collapse ", the governor , who advocate urgent change, need a law which is relatively complete and public to replace the bondage of collapse in ceremony system. This settled the foundation for numerous states to issue statute laws. Zheng State , as the unique state in spring and autumn period, enact XingShu by Zi Chan in ZhengJian male period , which is the first statute law in Chinese history. This happened after the period of glorious "mightiness" in initial stage and humiliated" insertion" in middle period. Following the publishment of "XingShu", DengXi , the official of Zheng State , cast " Zhu Xing "privately, which further improve the statute law of Zheng State. This article start with Zi Chan and DengXi, the pioneer of legalism, intends to research the background and performance of legalism culture of Zheng State, and thoroughly excavate its position in Pre-Qin legal culture by compared with SanJin legalism culture.The first chapter includes macroscopic and microscopic aspects , intends to discuss the historical background of Zheng State legalism culture. Macroscopic aspect focuses on analyzing the significant changes in political, economic, ideological and cultural aspects in the spring and autumn period . And the emergence of legal thoughts is the concentrated expression in ideological field. Microscopic aspect is with an eye to the developed business and free folkway of Zheng State. Through the analysis, clear the basic skeleton that the appearance of Zheng State legalism culture.The second chapter starts with Zi Chan and DengXi, the main representative of legalism in Zheng State, tries to analyse their legal thoughts and specific practices. Zi Chan advocated " the rule of law " and asserted to run the country according to law. Thereinto the most typical thing is the issue of" XingShu". The publishment of "XingShu" opened the statute precedent, and had important significance in Chinese legal history. Yet the "lenient and strict policy" of Zi Chan had produced profound influence to later legalism. DengXi, as a controversial figure, for its ownership legalism in history have different opinions, and the Logicians take up the majority. Yet despite narrow academic group, and start only in his legal thoughts, the "punishments" and "prison suit defence" thoughts of Deng Xi have far-reaching influence. Especially DengXi cast " Zhu Xing "privately after Zi Chan, to a certain extent, represents the civilians requirements, complies with the contemporary social needs, and has important significance.The third chapter emphatically introduces the relationship of legalism culture between Zheng State and San Jin, including the intersection and fusion relationship, conflict and heated debates. The first part, the author analyzes from geopolitical relations, tries to analyze the reason and performance of intersection fusion between Zheng State and San Jin ; The second part starts with natural factors and human factors and thoroughly discusses the causes of conflict and heated debates, and from "heavy agriculture and suppressing the contractor" and extremely "pan-moral ", analyses the conflict and performance.The last part establishes on the overall evaluation of Zheng legalism culture, discusses the legal culture of Zheng, which has important influence to pre-qin legalism culture, and in-depth analyses its progresses and limitations.Anyhow, the author hopes that through the analysis of Zheng State legalism culture,that can provide a certain degree of help to the further exploration of the pre-qin legal thoughts and regional culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zheng State, San Jin, Legalism culture
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