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On The Curative Effects Of Improvised Musical Therapy For Autistic Children

Posted on:2011-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Autism has been a serious problem of public health in recent years. The therapy and recovery service for autism in China got a late start, so there are still a lot of problems to be solved. Improvised Musical Therapy, as a kind of musical therapies, has already been used to cure the autism in America and Europe for its low cost and few side effects. With considerable effectiveness, it is widely used in the Occident, but seldom used in China. Only a few researchers do the analysis on individual cases. They neither extend the objects of study from the individual to a group, nor respectively illustrate the effect for the patients who are in the different levels of the disease, that is, in the serious or slight condition. This essay is based on the study of relative documents at home and abroad and combined with the practice of Improvised Musical Therapy Programme for Childhood Autism which was carried out by Fuzhou Hengai Special Training Institution.It not only analyzes the curative effect of Improvised Musical Therapy for Childhood Autism, discusses the efficient Improvised Musical Therapies for autism, but also extends the objects of study from the individual to a group at the same time. Moreover, it applies statistic models to the quantitative analysis of the Collective Group Musical Therapy's effect and of the different effects between serious and slight patients, provides a reference for the parents of autistic children as well as the practitioners who treat the autism, and offers reasons for relative studies in future in order to develop Improvised Musical Therapy in a better way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Autism, Improvised Musical Therapy, Curative effect
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