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Clinical Analysis Of 177 Patients With Drug Eruption

Posted on:2011-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154360308985826Subject:Dermatology and Venereology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To analyze the clinical signs, involved drugs and factors relating to curative effect in patients with drug eruption.Methods:In this study, Clinical data of drug eruption patients from january 2002 to december 2009 in the First Affiliat-ed Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University,which are divided into severe drug eru-ption and nonsevere drug eruption.55 cases of severe drug eruption were compared with those of 122 cases of nonsevere drug eruption retrospectively.The incidence of age, sex, allergy, incubation period, fever , mucosal damage,laboratory examinat-ion , hormone dosage , hospital day , prognosis is compared between severe and non-severe groups to find whether there is significant differences or not.Results:Se-vere drug eruption compared with nonsevere drug eruption in the age distribution, sex, allergy and alteration of blood routine had no significant differences.In fever, mucosal damage, liver renal dysfunction , hormone dosage , hospital day and prog-nosis that there were significant differences.However,only had in fever, mucosal damage , liver dysfunction and hospital day significant differences in three class of severe drug eruption.In the severe drug eruption and nonsevere drug eruption, the most common allergenic drugs are antibiotics ,traditional chinese drug and antipyr-etic ana-lgesics. The most common type of severe drug eruption are Stevens-Johns-on syndr-ome and drug-induced exfolialive dermatitis , which are induced by antib-iotics and antipyretic analgesics. The most common type of nonsevere drug eruptio-n are morbilliform drug eruption and scarlaliniform drug eruption ,erythema multif-orme drug eruption and urticariar drug eruption , which are induced by antibiotics and raditi-onal chinese drug.Conclusions: antibiotics , traditional chinese drug and antipyretic analgesics are most common drugs which caused severe drug eruption. Raditional chinese drug caused drug eruption by a general increase.Yet antiepilept-ic and gout-suppressants lead severe drug eruption more and more.The systematic lesions of areliver ,Hematopoietic System and renal.Therapeutic effectiveness is ma-inly correlatedwith complications.Early and sufficiently using corticosteroids is imp-ortant to reduce themortality.
Keywords/Search Tags:drug eruption, allergenic drugs, clinical analysis
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