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Clinical Study To The Principle Of Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure Or Chronic Liver Failure With Its Syndrome

Posted on:2011-12-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q G HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360305462712Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:This study of 165 patients with acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure were retrospectively investigated, revealing acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure syndromes and evolution of the distribution characteristics.Methods:Retrospective study of clinical research to the way our hospital for the 165 cases diagnosed with acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure etiology and patients with evidence Hou descriptive analysis, the acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure to provide the clinical basis for further treatment.Results and Conclusion:Clinical research on 165 cases of acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure patients retrospective survey results show the following:1,Incidence of a certain age, sex, occupation orientation, age 41-50 years as more;sex male-dominated;career to general staff and mainly unemployed;cirrhosis is acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure risk factors;HBV viral replication is increased liver damage induced by acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure in one of the reasons; predisposing factors and trigger factors in season, and smoking had no obvious relationship, but over-exertion, thinking, drinking, to a certain extent;2,Symptoms and signs of acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure who heads yellow dye, dark urine, lack of energy, reduced sodium food, loss of appetite, tired of the oil, language, low, low gas lazy words, Xiong Xie pain, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, mouth bitter dry mouth, thirst do not want to drink, sleep soundly bad dreams, body weight loss, abdominal bulging, red spider silk thread, cinnabar palm such as the 18 symptoms and signs can be used as its main clinical manifestations. Acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure tongue to tongue is red, dark tongue, tongue blood spots, fat tongue, the tongue has scalloped tongue greasy yellow tongue coating, thick tongue, purple tongue or tortuous context appears high frequency, pulse to pulse, pulse string, pulse number, pulse Shibuya, thready pulse, pulse slipping;3,Acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure patients more than the dialectical orientation to the liver, spleen, gall bladder, stomach, kidney-based; its dialectical mostly qualitative stasis, heat, toxic heat, deficiency, the liver mainly. Acute-on-chronic or chronic liver failure patients found that the major evidence-based statistics, including heat,50% yellow card, yellow card card Qi Stasis 32%, Stagnant Heat 8% yellow card, yellow cards Yang 7%, other syndromes accounted for 3 percent. Heat treated yellow card total efficiency is higher than the other syndromes, and qi deficiency blood stasis no yellow cards the most efficient.
Keywords/Search Tags:acute-on-chronic liver failure or chronic liver failure, clinical study, syndrome principle
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