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The Clinical Study By Transsphenoidal Approach For Micro-resection Of PituitaryAdenoma

Posted on:2011-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Background:Pituitary adenomas are common benign tumor of intracranial tumor, the morbidity is the third and becomes higher than before. The treatment includes surgery drug and radial therapy. Now surgery is the first choice, drug and radial therapy is only as postopertive adjuvant therapy. The most common surgical method is transsphenoidal approach under microscope.Objeetive:The aim is to discuss the cinical manifestation diagnosis and surgical therapy of ptituitary adenoma by retrospective to analyse clinical data of 109 patients of Qilu Hospital who have received transsphenoidal approachResults:Of the 109 patients,56 male while 53 female, whose age ranged from 17 to 73-year-old, the chief complaints were decline of eyesight, defect of visual field, headache, menostasia and so on. The course lasted for 5 days to 12 years.CT, especially MRI is the first choice to diseover abnormality of the pituitary gland. All the Patients were cured with transphenoid tumorectomy and diagnosed as pituitary adenoma by pathology after surgery.Conelusion:Transphenoidal tumorectomy has the advantages of wide indieation, microinvasion, short period of hospitalization, low complication possibility, effeetively improves the disturbance,and now has been the first-chosen treatment for the pituitary adenoma.
Keywords/Search Tags:pituitary adenoma, diagnosis, treatment, transphenoidal
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