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Beijing A Public Hospital Of The Performance Of Wage Reform

Posted on:2011-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X LianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360302492796Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Beijing A public hospital performance salary allocation reform aims to continuously improve the social and economic benefits of public hospitals to improve quality of medical services in public hospitals, while providing high-quality, high efficiency, low consumption of health services, in order to improve medical care difficult and expensive situation, forming a physician-patient relationship, to satisfy the people's growing medical and health care.Therefore, this study was retrospective methods such as surveys and questionnaires to gather in Beijing A public hospital performance options to the wage distribution and statistical data, divided into 5 parts explained. The first part is introduction of Beijing A public hospital on the background and purpose of the research, including the relevant theoretical basis, the performance aspects of the theory and the theory of remuneration; second part describes the performance of public hospitals in Beijing A wage Status of reform, including public hospitals in Beijing A brief description of the performance of the pre-reform wage system of the pre-reform wage system performance problems and performance pay reforms; The third section describes the performance of public hospitals in Beijing A wage reform research, including basic research as well as research findings; fourth part analyzes the performance of public hospitals in Beijing A success or failure of the wage reform, including reform of the merits of merit pay, performance pay and performance pay less than the reform of the reform proposals; Part V Conclusions and prospects for the study.The characteristics of this second study De theory and practice of integration, the basis of investigation in the field, the combined aspects of performance management and remuneration Li Lun, Tichu the Beijing A public Yi Yuan's performance Gongzigaige Fangan improvements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public hospitals, Merit pay, Reform, Distribution model
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