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The Research Of Community Health Service Network Platform

Posted on:2010-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360302465984Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the telecommunications technology and network technology, how to improve the efficiency of community health services, build a number of community health service network platform, the convenience of community residents to better medical treatment to the building of community health services are one of the key points. Community health service platform is web-based, service-focused, using health record as the source and real-name health card as the carrier, using standardized management structure to build a new community health service system.Functions of this system are covered by the community general health care, community health service center management, community health care management, population health, records management, chronic disease management, child immunization, child health, women's health, elder care, rehabilitation,family planning, management and so on, implement six integrated functions of community health services for prevention, health care, medical care, rehabilitation, health education and family planning, module-based print function, real-time medical insurance settlement module, physical topology of database design and implementation is the highlight of this system.The main functions of community health services are:1.Conducting community health surveys, community diagnosis, community-based management department to improve community public health recommendations and planning, community health work to be patriotic technical guidance.2.carry out targeted chronic non-communicable diseases, endemic diseases and parasitic diseases of health guidance, behavior intervention and screening, as well as high-risk groups for monitoring and regulating the responsible for the jurisdiction of immunization and infectious diseases prevention and control.4.the use of Chinese and Western medicine and technology suitable to carry out a general common and frequently-occurring disease provide first aid provide home visits, home care, home hospital beds and other home health care provide consultation, referral provide hospice care services. provide mental health services and mental health counseling provide women, children, the elderly, chronically ill, disabled and other key groups of health provide rehabilitation services.12.carrying out health education and health carry out family planning advice, advocacy and provision of appropriate technical provide continuity of individual and family health management responsible for community health service area information collection, sorting, statistics, analysis and the community building to help community-based management to expand community services sector is growing, prosperous community culture, environment, beautification of the community to jointly create a healthy, progressive, civilized and harmonious community atmosphere.17.According to the community health service functions and needs of community residents and provide other appropriate primary health services.Community health service networks general interaction between doctor and patient service platform, dynamic classification health record management, and establishment of a harmonious relationship between doctor and patient. For community residents to facilitate the popularity of low-cost basic medical services for community residents, general practitioners, community health services, integrated health care organizations and health authorities the exchange of information between departments to build a high-speed channel.The following incidents were reported from a sudden public health surveillance, public health and integrated resource management, health and disease management, health supervision and law enforcement management, community health services, health statistics, information management, online examination and approval management.1. The reporting of the monitoring of public health emergenciesAt present, the state public health emergencies and Beijing in the reporting of the monitoring system consists of four sets in use: disease surveillance reports management, public health emergency management system, the death of information management system and the Centers for Disease Control reported the basic information systems. The system is working mechanism of direct reporting to the network, direct reporting by the local Central.Communities in the reporting of the monitoring subsystem of public health emergencies of construction, primarily in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, Municipal Health Bureau, relying on "public health emergencies of direct reporting system," the use of community health service platform for real-time statistics, disease surveillance data, public health events, death information, and disease control information and other data, networking operating environment and improve the operation and maintenance reporting mechanism, to complete from the community health centers - "Community Health Center -" Community Health Council - "Municipal Health Bureau -" National Health Department of directly reported "corridor."2.Community Health Services Information ManagementCommunity Health Service Information System is a public health information system, an important part of the building, through the construction of the system will achieve the basic data of urban public health network at the end of the timely collection, public health surveillance for the disease and to provide first-hand information.Community health service information system construction of the main tasks are:(1) establish a set of public health services Community health services prevention, health care, health care, health education, rehabilitation of medical and family planning technical guidance to the six business functions as one of the community health service information systems. Public health services should be combined with the building of community health service demonstration areas, full use of community health service information systems.(2) Public Health to establish a continuous record of a lifetime of health file, the file should reflect the health of residents of multi-range in-one, "dead file" becomes "live file" principle, while progressively achieving community health service institutions and between the medium and large hospitals two-way electronic transfer of medical records.(3) establish a municipal and district Health Bureau of Community Health Administration Management System 2, and gradually establish a region-based central database of the complete e-government system for community health.(4) community health service information systems and community health of residents included in the profile needed for public health surveillance of diseases, symptoms and other relevant information for disease and provide a basis for public health event monitoring data3.Health Statistics Information ManagementHealth and statistical information in these public health data are mainly based on the depth data mining and analysis, to achieve the integration of regional health statistics, comprehensive analysis and re-use capabilities.Health Statistics Information Management operating mechanism with the reporting system for public health emergencies has also been adopted in the form of direct reporting, in the provinces, municipalities and the establishment of distributed data centers, conditions are not managed by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Health and provincial data centers data synchronization. System provides data collection, data analysis, data exchange, systems management and back office management platform capabilities.Direct report includes regular reports and case reports, regular reports including: health resources, medical services, health law enforcement and supervision, maternal and child health, community and rural health; case report is a statistical database of cases.This paper describes the status of community health services, to discuss the community health service network platform for system development related to technology, and then a detailed description of the system's requirements is a community health service network platform of the six integrated functions, the article summarizes and analyzes the end of the the community health service network platform, function and application feasibility.This article describes the status of community health services, discusses technologies of he community health service platform system , and then analyze the system's overall design and the design of each module, focusing on six integrated functions, at the end the article pointed out problems in the research and the prospects for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:community health, community health service, network platform
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