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The Collate And Research About Famous Doctor Compilations In Past Dynasties

Posted on:2010-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360278479882Subject:Historical philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through thousands of years, the development of Chinese medicine produced abundant medical literature material, but these data are mostly in medicine and dispersed in the history, Confucian classics, historical records, philosophical writings and miscellaneous works. Zhou Shouzhong of southern Song Dynasties had compiled the well-known book, a series and related documents about the doctors before southern Song Dynasty. The author use the method and principle, collating Famous doctor compilations in past dynasties and make notes about important characters, writing, nouns, medical terminology, tries to get accurate and perfect on the basis of the past, with the well-known book for compiling and content, and discusses the value.Zhou Shouzhong deeds each doctor four words, full of humor and wit, easy to read. This style is easy to read and memory, however there was no chronological arrangement of historical development and less of historical facts. Famous doctor compilations in past dynasties covered in medical books cited as 60 kinds, can rise to save on literature, literary role. Some of the collections were from the column "fairy records of gods and so on books, so several events were not convinced. The well-known book had collected the entire relevant document catalogue in the traditional before the Song Dynasty for posterity to do research. However Zhou Shouzhong didn't reap material carefully and compare calibration, then the historical text being rude. And the author had not deliberately the whole article, but basically means to record. Making it with other literature textual differ to each other still had the value to examine some literature and correct errors.
Keywords/Search Tags:famous doctor compilations in past dynasties, Collate, Zhou Shouzhong
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