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Moral Construction In Health Management

Posted on:2010-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K H YueFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Moral Construction is the core issue through theory and practice of health management. Essentially, health management is a kind of moral progress. Within the new health model, contemporary health management rooting in caring and respect for persons, is the revisiting for the goal of medicine, and implementing for the biopsychosocial model.In practice, health management should take the obligations of life qualities for patients, healthy persons and the whole population. In this paper, the author maintains that moral progress should be the value basement for the development of health management. In the domains of health management, reasonable health resources distribution, health management professionals development, health management institution regulating, education-based health promotion, institutional management and self-management all contain resourceful moral issues.This research focuses on the methodology and implementation of moral construction in health management. The author maintains three main methods: firstly, promoting the moral competences of health management practitioners and clients; secondly, cultivating the ethical atmosphere at health management institutions; thirdly, integrating moral construction into health education. As a evidence, the author leads a observational study at a health management company in Beijing to describe the practices of the above three main methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:health management, moral construction, health promotion
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