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Dual Communications And Media Control

Posted on:2010-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the economic and social development of China,resources are heavily consumed and the environment damaged,leading to a situation where infectious diseases break out nowadays.The spread of SARS a few years ago,hand-foot-mouth disease that has not yet been under effective control and hepatitis B and other chronic infectious diseases that are still devastating,all these constantly remind us that much attention should be paid to the effective control over the spread of infectious diseases during the development of the society.In this thesis,communication is defined as the communication of directly disease-causing pathogen and that of diseases-related information.From the scientific point of view,they both belong to different subject areas.However,from the communication perspective,they both belong to the same subject—different types of communication.To effectively control and prevent infectious diseases,especially unexpected outbreak of infectious diseases,it is necessary and feasible to conduct research on the dual communication of pathogens and information,and the relavent media.In this thesis,the spread of infectious pathogens is first analyzed and further analysis is conducted on information dissemination.The two types of communication is mutually inseparable.Many social problems emerge along with the transformation of Chinese society.A heavy price has been paid for the economic development at a high: imbalance of ecology caused by over-exploitation of resources and environmental degradation,lower immunity,plus the apperance of new viruses.It is in urgent need that dual communication of infectious diseases and media control of them be studied,and in the process of the study,the transmission route and features of infectious pathogens were nanalyzed.The monitoring information collection flow concerning disease transmission, the flow concerning disease information release,the flow concerning,the informastion flow concerning media steering,and the flow concerning the involement and transimision by the public are all analyzed.Besides,the thesis studies the communicative characteristics of early warning information of major acute infectious disease proposes that media control concerning dual communication of infectious diseases be enhanced, public health education system of our country be stablished.The paper sheds some light on the research and study of dual communication of infectious diseases and vector control research and exploration.It is also of great help for finding ways to cut off the spread of pathogens and to normalize prewarning and communication mechanisms of infectious diseases,for protecting people's lives and property,and for maintaining social stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pathogens, Dual communication, Media control, Prewarning information
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