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Animal Drunkenness Experiment Model Study

Posted on:2006-06-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360182971044Subject:Food Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Overdose of alcohol can lead to many accidents, some as far as threatening one's life and property. Therefore, drinking without drunkenness has become the wish of many alcoholics. This has brought a bright outlook in edinebriating products. However, there is not an experiment system and a testing standard in which we could use to study the quality and effect of the edinebriating products, Thus affected the edinebriating products' R&D and consuming. Researching and developing edinebriating products takes a good amount of experimenting, especially animal drunk experimenting. So an animal drunk experiment model is needed. So far, there is no related reports that an animal drunk experiment model has been set up domestically. Therefore, our job is to build up an animal drunk experiment model with could be used to study the relationship between the experiment amount of alcohol and the animal drunk observation. There after the model could be used to evaluate the edinebriating products.The study is focused on animal (mouse) drunk experiment and chromatographic study. There are three parts:1. According to experiment animal rules, choose the qualified animal.2. Design related animal drunk experiment (field, roller experiment, etc.).3. Through analyzing the effectiveness of the edinebriating products, to test the feasibility of the model.The conducted animal drunkenness experiment models include: no effectiveness amount mouse stomach pour in; over head amount mouse stomach pour in; drunkenness amount mouse stomach pour in; death amount mouse stomach pour in; mouse edinebriating stomach pour in time and amount; observation for the effectiveness of the edinebriating products through the animal drunk experiment model.
Keywords/Search Tags:drunkenness, edinebriating, animal drunk experiment model
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