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Experimental Study Of Effect Of The Metabolism And Blood Fat Of NaoXinKang On Myocardial Ischemia In Rat

Posted on:2007-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360182496801Subject:Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Myocardium ischemia is a kind of metabolic disease. Whenmyocardium ischemia the high level of the free fatty acids in thecirculation will significantly restrain the oxidation and motabolism ofthe myocardium glucose, and intestify the dimnification of theischemia. So to optimize the myocardium energy metabolic, speciallyto pick up the free fatty acids oxidation and to enhance the glucosemetabolic will profitably abate the tissue dimnification from themyocardium ischemia and improve the function of the heart. Atpresent, the effect that the medicine to lowering the blood lipids exertssignificant effects on the prevent of CHD has been confirmed in largecale random experiments. It can evidently reduce the cardiovascularaffairs. The cure of adjusting the blood lipids can improve thestructure of the blood lipids, simultaneity to improve the condition ofthe vassal endothelium, and stabilize the atheromatous plaque. On thebase of these viewpoints, we confirm that the NXKKFY canimprove the ischemic myocardium energy metabolism in rats andadjust the blood lipids for the normal rats in lipids , by examining thechange of the electrocardiogram of the ischemic myocardium and inrats and the quantity of the CK,AST,LDH,FFA,CHO,TG,LDL,HDL in the blood serum, at the same time, we observe thehistopathologic difference of the ischemia myocardium. In recent years, the ischemia cardiomyopathy patientsincreasingly accept the treatment by Chinese traditional medications,due to their advantages such as flexibility in components, slight sideeffects and toxicity, and suitability to long-term administration.NXKKFY is developed from the tradition famous prescription ofBuyanghuanwu Decoction from Wangqingren. Cerebrovasular diseaseis a common and frequently encountered disease of nervous system. Itis mainly used of the cure of the Qi deficiency and blood stasissyndromes. It has the effect of enhancing Qi and flowed the blood,and wipe of external pathtgeny. In our experiments ,we observed thedifferent dosages of NXKKFY that protect functions of themyocardial ischemia dimnification, and the effect of the blood lipidsfor the normal rats in lipids. And This experiment further discussedthe mechanism that how MXKKFY cures the myocardium ischemia,and the function of adjusting the blood lipids.We random assort the rats into groups, they were normal controlgroup, model control group, CDDP in group, NXKKFY large doses,middle doses and small dosage group. After successive medication fortwenty days, to make the subacute myocardium ischemia exemplar ofto rats by intraperitoneal injecting ISO. And determine the ECG andthe quantity of the myocardium enzymology,FFA,CHO,TG,LDL,HDL in the blood serum. The results of the measurement of the rats'biochemical indicator show that, comparing with the negative controlgroup, the FFA level of the NXKKFY large doses and middle dosesgroup manifestly cut down;and the LDL level of the NXKKFY largedoses and the positive control group cut down;and the HDL level ofthe NXKKFY large doses and the negative control group step up andthis ha is significance compared with the negative control group. Theresult of the histomorphology hints that: the NXKKFY therapy groupsand the positive control group have the effectiveness of lessening theischemia injure of the myocadium cell, especially for the NXKKFYlarge doses and the positive control group.The features of the myocardial metabolism show us that, whenthe oxygen deficited, the main resource of energy is from the FFAmetabolism. But the FFA metabolism not only increase the consumedoxygen, but also have many kinds of noxious property, such as:cutting down glycolysis and glycosyloxy, aggravating acid noxious,inducing cardiac arrhythmia, derring myocardial cell apoptosis,aggravating reperfusion injury, holding back reperfusion the recoveryof myocardium contractile function, leading to the electron transferchain losing couple, consuming ponderous oxygen and productinginefficient metabolism. The NXKKFY can be used to cut down theFFA content in the blood serum, and retrieve the metabolic disorderwhen the myocardial ischemia injury. When coronary artery havepathological changes , the ventilation is limited. To promoteglycometabolism and to hold back fatty acid metabolism and to makethe best use of oxygen to generate more high-energy bond, can havethe affection of protecting the ischemia myocardium.Now we have learned that the blood lipids anomalism is one ofthe independent risk factors for AS and CHD. In the clinic, we nowemphasize to adjust the blood lipids not only for the AS and CHDpatients who is with the hyperlipemia but who is not with thehyperlipemia. To the later, we try to cut down the LDL level to lower.On account of this viewpoint, our experiments improved that theNXKKFY have the affections to cut down the CHO level and the LDLlevel, and to step up the HDL level. By adjusting the blood lipids, theNXKKFY can prevent the happening of AS, so can protect thecardiovascular system. This is one of the mechanisms of preventingand curing the diseases of cardiovascular system.The NXKKFY is often used to cure the thoracic obstructioncardiodynia of Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndromes. It shows thetherapentic principles of the Chinese medicine", Treat the inental andthe fundamental simultaneously". Modern pharmacologicinvestigation display that many medicines in this prescription have theprotected function of improving the coronary flow,antioxyenizing,cleaning up free radical,relieving calcium overload,cutting downblood lipids,antithromb, etc.Summarizing the above, we can have some conclusions that theNXKKFY can improve the energy metabolism of the ischemiamyocardium, and diminish the FFA accumulation, and protect themyocardium cell when ischemia. At the same time, it justify that theNXKKFY have the affections to adjusting the blood lipids for theortholiposis rats,and through cutting down the LDL level and steppingup the HLD level, it educe the effection to prevent AS and CHD.
Keywords/Search Tags:the NXKKFY, myocardium ischemia, improve myocardium metabolism, adjust the blood lipids.
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