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The Anatomical Study And Clinical Significance Of The Metatarsal Cuff

Posted on:2007-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ShiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective To explore functional construction and clinicalsignificance of the metatarsal cuff. Methods Through simulated operating microscope in 20 normalfeet. Results The formation of the metatarsal cuff was verycomplicated, of which the abductor and adductor hallucis had specialclinical significance in the occurring of the hallux valgus (HV). Conclusion 1. The experiment provides the length,wedth and depth of themetatarsal cuff except the anatomical data which is the angle betweenthe structure of the metatarsal cuff and the first metatarsal. 2. Anatomical study demonstrates: The core mechanism of HVis the lasting destroy of the biomechanical balance between abductorhallucis and adductor hallucis. The functional structure and dynamicalbalance between abductor hallucis and adductor hallucis should berecovered or reconstructed. 3. The anastomosis of abductor hallucis and adductor hallucistendons can correct both hallux valgus and first metatarsus primusvarus. At the same time, it can relocate the sesamoid system andreconstruct the transverse arc of the forefoot, which recovered thenormal anatomical structure and biomechanical function of theforefoot. The new technique can correct all pathological elements andyet maintain a biomechanically functional forefoot.
Keywords/Search Tags:the metatarsal cuff, clinical significance, applied anatomy, the hallux valgus
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