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The Epidemiology Study Of Risk Factors For Angina And Myocardial Infarction In Elderly

Posted on:2007-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K FengFull Text:PDF
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Objective To investigate the distribution and the differences of risk factors betweenangina and MI in elderly.Methods In a cross-sectional survey for CHD, 2334 subjects (943 men and 1391women) were selected from a clustered sample of the total population (n=20411) in 94residential communities on the Wanshoulu Area, Beijing. A standardized questionnairewas designed to collect information on the demographic characteristics, disease historyand some relative blood tests.Results The prevalence of angina and MI of elderly in Wanshou district in Beijing are30.7%(male 26.2%, female 33.7%) and 2.9%(male 4.8%, female 1.7%) respectively;The analysis of single factor: the difference of the angina persons and the non-anginapersons (excluded MI) are age, waist, BMI, total cholesterol, LDL, TG, history of DM,history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, family history of CHD, family history ofhypertension and smoking. In the multiple Logistic analysis, the age, history ofhypertension, family history of CHD are significient (P<0.001), and the OR (95%CI)are 1.04 (1.03-1.06), 1.75 (1.45-2.11), 1.62(1.27-2.07) respectively. In the risk factorsanalysis of MI, HDL, history of DM, and smoking are significient in single analysis;history of DM and smoking are significient in multiple analysis, the OR (95%CI) are1.82(1.03-3.22) and 2.65(1.49-4.71) respectively.Conclusion This study shows age, BMI, smoking, the family history of CHD, thehistory of hypertension and the DM are the risk factors of angina or MI. Therefore,quitting smoking, health dietary, weight controlling and controlling blood pressure areimportant to the prevention of angina and MI of elderly.Objective To investigate the risk factors of angina and myocardial infarction (MI) in the elderly, and analyze the differences in risk factors between angina and MI. Methods We selected all the cases of MI and angina from a cross-sectional survey in elderly in residential communities on the Wanshoulu Area, Beijing. The case-only design was used to analyze the difference of risk factors between angina and MI. The 68 patients of MI were classified as cases, and the 716 angina patients were classified as controls. The related risk factors included that demographic characteristics, habits, activities, history and family history of diseases, and some medical examinations. T-test and Logistic regression were used to analyze the data-set. Results The analysis of single factor: the risk factors are different between angina and MI in sex, education, smoking, drinking and fibrinogen. In the multiple Logistic analysis: the risk factors are different between angina and MI in sex, smoking, and fibrinogen. The odds ratios (OR) are 0.42(0.20-0.88), 3.18(1.53-6.61) and 1.11(1.04-1.20) respectively.Conclusion In this elderly population, the angina in female and MI in male were relative high percentage. The risk factors in MI such as sex, smoking, and fibrinogen were more important than that in angina in elderly.Objective To prospectively study the relationship between risk factors and angina andmyocardial infarction (MI) in the Chinese elderly.Methods An analytic study in a cohort population of 1268 male cadres in a militarysetting. A health screening program was carried out for all cadres aged 55 years orolder in Xi'an in February 1987. Baseline data on smoking, cholesterol, triglyceride,blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia andcoronary heart disease (CHD), and diabetes were investigated. Main outcome measureswere mortality of angina and ML Cox regression were used to analyze relative risks(RR).Results The cohort was followed up until June 30, 2001 and a total number offollowed up person years were 15,546. During the follow up period, there were 38 and22 new deaths due to angina and MI respectively, and the adjusted mortality was244/10 per 100,000 person year and 142/10 per 100,000 person year. Using Cox modelanalysis, we found that hypertension, family history of CHD and age were risk factorsfor death of angina, and the ORs(95%Cl) were 3.27(1.60-6.68), 2.48(1.08-5.69),1.17(1.10-1.24);smoking, age and triglyceride of baseline were independent riskfactors for MI, the ORs(95%CI) were 12.38(1.58-97.2), 1.09(1.00-1.18),1.00(1.00-1.01). There were clear dose-response relationship between the death risk ofMI and the years of smoking.Conclusion Smoking, pulse, history of CHD, hypertension, diabetes andhyperlipidemia were the risk factors of angina or ML The smoking was a strong riskfactor for mortality of MI.
Keywords/Search Tags:angina, myocardial infarction, mortality, risk factors, cohort study, elderly, case-only study, epidemiology
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