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The Study On Immune Responses Of Rats To Bioartificial Fascia

Posted on:2006-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: to analyse the Immune responses of rats to bioartificial fascia. Methods: The animal fascia defect model was established. 3 Groups of rats were implanted with bioartificial fascia, the animal fascia of its own, and the homologous fascia respectively. The local histological reaction was observed at the 3, 6 and 12 weeks after transplantation. In addition, the state of immunity was evaluated in vitro by immunohistochemistry at the 3, 6, 12 weeks after transplantation.Results: Histologically, different immune reaction was noted at the 3 weeks, the local histological reaction of rats to homologous fascia was intentest, but there was on difference among the three groups at the 12 weeks. On the state of immunity, the numbers of CD+3 , CD+4 and CD+8 T lymphocytes were of statistical difference at the 3 weeks and the immune reaction of rats to homologous fascia was intentest, but the numbers were of no statistical difference at the 12 weeks. The numbers of CD+22 and CD40+40 B lymphocytes of the 3 groups were of no statistical difference after transplantation.Conclusion: The bioartificial fascia is an ideal graft material for repairing the defects of fascia.
Keywords/Search Tags:Artificial, Fascia/Artificial, Aponeurosis, Biomaterial, Immunohistochemistry, Transplantation immunology
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