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Clinical Report Of Current Diagnosis And Treatment Of Peptic Ulcer

Posted on:2005-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360125456767Subject:Internal Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The patient , male , seventy-five years old , was admitted to the hospital on March .27 2002 ,with the chief complaint of black color stool two days with dizziness and weakness . He had passed black formed stool on March .25 2002 , without predisposing cause . The stool like tarry , without mucus or pus . it' s weight was about 200g . without abdominal pain and diarrhea and rectal tenesmus . Also without nausea and vomiting .He had gone black stool four times in the last two days ,but the total quantities of stool was less . He feeled more dizziness and weakness then before . But no fever, no cough and expectoration , as well as no chest discomport and palpitation before and after his illness .Post history: He had diagnosed hypertension ten yeas agoPersonal history He had cigarete smoking twenty years ,about twenty cigaretes per day . No drikening .he had not taken NSAIDs .Clinical data : PE: T 37.2℃, P 75 per min , R 19 per min , BP 160/100 mmHg . Physical well developed .nutrition mildly . Mild anemia look on the face and eyelid . No jaundice on skin or sclera . Superficial lymph nodes were impalable . Heart rate 75 per min with regluar beats , and no murmur. Chest and lungs were normal . Abdomen was soft , without a local tender or rebound tenderness . Liver and spleen were impalpable . Murphy' s sign (-) . Bowel gurgling sounds was normal . Percussive pain wasn't persent in bom renal regions . Without swelling on feet . NO pathological reflexes found .
Keywords/Search Tags:Peptic ulcer, Diagnosis, Treatment
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