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The Development, Marketing And Promotion Of New Pesticide

Posted on:2010-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L G ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143360275978339Subject:Plant protection
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a large agricultural and populational country. Food is always the most concerned issue which influence the national economy and the people's livelihood. In order to improve food quality and yield, pesticide is indispensable. Our pesticide industry is developed on the base of "me-too" products abroad. We make a great progress in our pesticide industry through our ten more years hard work. We keep up with the world and some of our independent innovation products had already ranked among the world's top level. However, the price of our own independent innovation products is only a quarter of that for the similar products in foreign countries, relieving the burden of farmers.Reviewing our marketing situation in pesticide market for ten years, it went through several stages, such as clearless period, fickleness period, rehearsal period,"showing sword" period. New pesticide marketing could be come true through market orientation, selling point refine, price fixing, marketing promotion & sales channels construction administration, marketing organization development and marketing information feedback.The pesticide similarization is serious in domestic market and big foreign pesticide company enter China market rapidly in recent years, increasingly intense market competition, that means our pesticide enterprises have to strengthen new pesticide promotion. In order to promote the new pesticides, we should solve two issues: firstly, how to make the pesticides in fanner's hands and enable them to use; secondly, how to let farmers come back and buy the pesticides .In view of this situation, we should take "push-pull"combine mode, such as hold promotion meeting, testing & demonstrating, on-the-spot meeting and establish templet market. At the same time, strengthening teminal construction and maintance is also very important. Who own the terminal, who own the world; who control the terminal sales, who control the market.
Keywords/Search Tags:pesticide, Me-too, innovation, marketing, promotion, templet market
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