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Rearch On Identification Of Trichoderma Of Mushrooms And Control Of Trichoderma,Mycogone Cervina

Posted on:2012-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2143330335982352Subject:Plant quarantine
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91 strains of Trichoderma were isolated from the medium and fruiting bodies of mushrooms in Fujian Province. 7 spieces of Trichoderma were identified as T.viride, T.koningii, T.pesudokonningii, T. koningiopsis, T.harzianum, T.longibranchiatum and T.cerinum by cultural characteristics of colony and morphology. T.koningiopsis and T. cerinum were firstly found on mushrooms, T.koningii was the predominant specie in Fujian,Pathogenicity of the 7 Trichoderma mentioned above was showed that there were obvious difference on mushrooms by inoculation tests. T.koningii and T.koningiopsis showed strong pathogenicity to kinds of mushrooms, then were T. harzianum, T.pesudokonningii and the T.viride, T.longibranchiatum and T.cerinum showed weak pathogenicity. The same type of Trichoderma show different pathogenicity. T.viride had strong pathogenicity on Copyindscomatus and Lentinusedodes, but to Agrocybe chaxingu Huang and Flammulina velutipes, Trichoderma showed weak pathogenicity, T. harzianum showed high pathogenicity on Pleurotus eryngii and Agrocybe chaxingu Huang, T.longibranchiatum showed high pathogenicity on Pleurotus eryngii and Flammulina velutipes. Different strains of Trichoderma also had different virulence on mushrooms.Different mushrooms showed resistance diversity to Trichoderma. Pleurotus cornucopiea, Copyindscomatus, Auricularia polytricha and Ganoderma were resistance to Trichoderma, but Lentinusedodes was susceptibible to all species of Trichoderma.Trichoderma inhibited the hyphae growth of mushrooms and competed for nutrients with mushrooms. The conoly sympotom infected by Trichoderma was releated to species of mushrooms. Phypae of mushrooms infected characterized by sparse edge hyphae, but Pleurotus cornucopiea hyphae also showed crimple, depression. Copyindscomatus and Lentinusedodes discoloration. The micro-morphology characteristics were related to mushrooms. Most showed hyphae parting, digestion, but Pleurotus cornucopiea hyphae showed malformation ,and Copyindscomatus hyphae was entwing.Fungicides screening showed fungicides had difference inhibition on mushrooms and Trichoderma. 50 % prochloraz-manganesechloride WP (Shi Bao Gong) had high inhibiting effect to Trichoderma, but little or no destruction to most mushrooms, such as Agaricus campestris, Pleurotus cornucopiea, Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotusostreatus, Flammulina velutipes. It coulde be recommended to use in production. Triabendazole had middle inhibiting effect to Trichoderma, and also was safe to the most mushrooms, had little effection to Agrocybe chaxingu Huang, Pleurotus eryngii, Pleurotusostreatus and Flammulina velutipes. Triabendazole could alternate with 50 % prochloraz-manganesechloride WP. Imazalil had high inhibiting effect on Trichoderma, but it could inhibit hyphae growth of most mushrooms . Imazalil was not suitable for mushrooms'production.Studies on biological characteristics of Mycogone cervina ,which were collected from differernt regions of Fujian, showed physiological differentiation. The colonial morphologies and growth rate of Mycogone cervina varied. To most strains, the optimum growth temperature was from 20℃to 25℃, and the optimum growth medium moisture was from 60 % to 80 %. All strains would lose viabilities if the culture temperature was over 40℃for 7 d; or the culture temperature was up 65℃for 30', it could lead chlamydospore death. After treatment by ultraviolet light of clean bench, growth of hyphae was slow, the strains delayed producing chlamydospores,but it couldn't lead the chlamydospores losing their vitality.
Keywords/Search Tags:mushrooms, Trichoderma, Mycogone cervina, identification, control
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