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Materials And Its Expression Under The View Of Tectonic

Posted on:2011-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360305467318Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Started from the discussion of the relationship between globalism and regionalism, this paper agrees that to resist the globalism by using regionalism has become a common sense among the architects and theorists internationally. The understandings of the Regionalism of these experts, however, are different. Among all these theories, the most energetic one that combines the era we are in intensively is being called "Critical Religionism", which has been originated to response to the those issues which have been caused by the globalization. Given the acceleration of globalization, the theory of the critical religionism and its practice appear to be of vital essence in the situation which the regional cultures are being threatened pressingly.Construction, as an idea of architecture theory, was germinated in the eighteenth century in Europe. From that point onward, construction embodied a significant role in the systems of architecture theories. Since the eighteenth century's coordination of ornamentation in architecture with the new technical and structural system to the critically combination of classical decoration with modern techniques in the nineteenth century, and, to the collaboration of critics of the global technology with the traditions of the local cultures in modern times, construction, as a critical power, has been existing through out the process. Hence, to achieve the criticized construction of the critical regionalism architecture is essential as to react to the problems in the conflict of the globalism and regionalism.Construction is an art of building. " The spirit of construction depends on three factors in the material world we are living in. First, it is the gravity of the architecture and its related physically; second, the materials we have; last, is the way of how we combine them. ", "thinking of Tectonic " by Kalas Wahonlate, as we can see from Quoting the core of construction is from the consideration of gravity, from innovatively using of the materials in our hands and, from the creative reorganization of these materials. Therefore, materials make a major part in the construction.Initially, the research started from the two sides, truth and nature, of the materials by first analyzing the ideas of these two sides historically, in order to dispute the values of materials in modern time, the properties and the its expressions of the structure and ornamentation are the second step of the discussion of the research. Ultimately, the practical expression of the two properties above is in the leading to the core strategy of critical regionalism architecture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tectonic, Regionality, Materials, Expression
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