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A Detailed Research On The Ecological Wisdom Of Yuanye

Posted on:2011-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360305450066Subject:Literature and art
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Looking back upon the first decade of the 21st century, it would be obvious to figure out that the worldwide ecological crisis has already transcend the former pure disciplinary realm that focused on environment related academic field to a much more complicated and comprehensive range that simultaneously concerns on several vital subjects, including politics, economy, military affairs as well as human civilization. According to reflections on the root of the ecological crisis in post-modern society, the causes could be found out deeply embedded in the deficiency of faith, the consequence of which makes people gradually ignore the crucial correspondence between human and nature, not to mention the environmental damages and pollutions brought by the dramatically rapid promotion of technology and science. Thus, to solve the ecological crisis and global environmental problems, the task not only relies on the shoulders of natural scientists, but also should be shared with others, particularly the ones working in the realms of aesthetics and art theory, both of whom ought to lock the responsibility of saving the earth in their minds. This dissertation tends to appeal such kind of consciousness that would combine natural scientific research with humanity studies, joining all the scholars together to figure out a start point that would lead us to the brand new era of natural aesthetic appreciation in the near future.In order to preciously define the basic categories that would be applied in the dissertation to avoid unnecessary mistakes caused by ambiguous definition, the preface The Ecological Wisdom of Pre-Ecocrisis Era briefly introduces the academic backgrounds and the situation of the research at present, which results in the conclusion that only being involved in the practices could the ecological issues be solved since they come from and deeply rooted in the reality, without the dimension of which, the solution to environmental problems would just be vanity in aesthetic utopia kingdom. Although the status and effects that brought by natural scientific research and humanities differ from each other, as well as the methodology and outcomes, they could both make prodigious contribution to the improvement of ecological environment. As a consequence, the most efficient approach to an ideal accomplishment ought to be theoretically and practically a combination between natural scientific system of knowledge and the methodology of humanity that denies dichotomy tradition dividing human and nature apart all the way. Since establishing the ameliorative resident environment for creatures essentially demands aesthetic dimension that would be significant to the cultivation of ecological aesthetic outlook, as well as the practical design and construction of aesthetic environment. According to the analysis above, garden as both a type of green art and an eco-friendly location ought to be selected as the main subject that would be the crux art form in this eco-revolution.As the most typical work on Chinese traditional garden design and construction technique written by JiCheng in Ming Dynasty, Yuanye has occupied the dominant rank in the history of Chinese traditional horticulture art for hundreds of years. In terms of the introduction of both the author and work, the first Chapter A Brief Introduction to JiCheng and Yuanye puts forward a concise summary of the subjects of this dissertation. For the excellent and plural talent of JiCheng in Chinese poem, traditional painting, calligraphy as well as architecture, Yuanye written by him presents also the characteristic of being a diversely valuable in almost all kinds of Chinese traditional art, which appears not only a perfect theoretical work on the constructive details of Chinese garden, but also a glorious philosophical peak in the history of Chinese culture, applying the unification between human and nature into the realistic practices of Chinese garden design and building project. Moreover, this chapter also makes a brief introduction to the spread situation of Yuanye both domestic and abroad, following which a concise analysis would be given.Chapter Two A detailed Research On Ecological Wisdom In Yuanye presents the eco-wisdom embedded in Chinese Traditional Garden and horticulture precisely and respectively in terms of three dimensions including The Protective Outlook of Vegetation, The Preservative Outlook of Animals as well as The Frugal and Temperate Attitude toward Ecological Resource. Moreover, through the comparison between Chinese and Western styled gardens, the special characteristic of Chinese eco-wisdom would be figured out as the protection and preservation of free dwelling environment that stays closest with original shape and the natural inhabitancy for both the animals and vegetations, trying hard to reduce the damages that might be brought to the environment due to the construction work. This perspective of being equal with the creatures and nature shows us an attitude of respect for the living condition and authority hold by animals and plants, which would be prodigiously enlightens ecological protection nowadays.By distinguishing the Western aesthetic appreciation tradition of Picturesque from the Chinese one seriously, the third chapter On Tradition of Picturesque and Ecological Aesthetic Outlook of Yuanye provides a convincing account for the distinction between Eastern and Western aesthetic appreciation, which could be figured out via analysing the idea of landscape arrangement in the construction of Chinese traditional gardens. It is obvious that Yuanye, as the typical representative of Chinese traditional garden, highlights the engagement of tourists in the environment, whereas the Western one remains the still aesthetic appreciation mode of disinterestedness, which not only makes great contribution to the Chinese characteristic of the harmony between human and nature, but also performs accordingly to the ecological aesthetic mode of engagement in the environment.Based on the analysis and interpretation of the dilemma appearing in the interdisciplinary study at present, the conclusion part Toward An Interdisciplinary Ecological Aesthetics tends to find out the direction and foresight of Ecoaesthetics as a transcultural discipline. Yuanye would be analysed as the exemplar that presents the harmonious idea between human and nature perfectly in the construction of Chinese garden and life of Chinese scholars, according to which the modern significance of Chinese traditional garden and culture would be pursued and elaborated on the base of communication between Chinese and Western scholars as well as Ancient and Modern perspectives. As long as we are spreading and adoring Chinese ancient philosophical harmonious outlook between human and nature, the magnificent tradition of natural aesthetic appreciation would be soon reappear renaissance in the future not far away.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuanye, Chinese traditional garden, ecological wisdom, eco-friendly garden
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