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The Reuse Of "Industrial Essence" In The Rebuilt Of Aged Industrial Building

Posted on:2008-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360245991593Subject:Architectural design and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
When James Watt invented the steam engine, the world entered the industrial era. The development of Industrial technique and the subsequent further establishment of a knowledge system in industrial philosophy droved the civilization of mankind to great advancement. After different milestone developments, the world expeditiously entered a deeply influential and radically growing era of information technology, international exchange, and global economy. The city's proportion of traditional manufacturing industry had gradually decreased while the trended industry is progressively replacing the variety of traditional industries. Meanwhile, sustainable development had, due to the globally deteriorating environment, increasingly becomes a consensus of how people should treat the world. In the view of the current development, with the economic globalization and corporate structural re-adjustment, the world of early 21 century is going from industrial era to information era, from industrial society to post industrial society. In this background, major cities in the world had ignited a wave of aged industrial building redevelopment and flourishing with related theories and case studies.In analyzing different successful cases of aged industrial building redevelopment, it is not difficult to notice architects had reinforced the treatment of the building by invigorating its industrial essence, and through this measure to elaborate the building's historical and functional value. This thesis will evolve around the notion of industrial essence, and commence relevant analyses. Starting from that by analyzing its practical application, resolving the recurring"what-for?"question with collaborative evidence, to the relative application and characteristic on how such essence can be incorporated in architectural spaces, gesture, and environment as an attempt to answer the"how-to"question. The architectural combination and symbiotic effect would also be analyzed, hoping which would provide a solution on the harmonizing between the industrial essence and the new building. To exemplifier the theory, I would conclude the current situation in PRC, indicating the difficulties of reusing industrial essence, and suggest provisions for its development to a higher sphere. It could be seen, reusing industrial essence is only one of the many reasons that affects the product of industrial building revitalization, I hope through this study of industrial essence would encourage the development of the whole industry in aged industrial building redevelopment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aged industrial building, Redevelopment, Industrial Essence, Reuse
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