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A Study Of Steel Architecture Since Mies Van Der Rohe

Posted on:2006-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ShiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is devoted to a research on steel architectures since Mies Van DerRohn. Steel is one of the most important architecture materials in modernarchitecture. From the early days of 19th century-when iron and steel beginning touse widely-to now, these materials give deeply impressions to architecture world bytheir unique properties and expressive forces. From the Crystal Palace and the EiffelTower in early days to now the Kansai International Airport and the National GrandTheatre, the development of materials and technologies made buildings present moreexpressive possibilities.In the history of steel architecture, architects and engineers' explorations werevery important, innovations of material expressions and construction technologiesmade steel architecture present a lot of figures. In these architects who devoted toresearch steel architecture, the avant-courier of modern architecture-Mies Van DerRohn was one of the most important roles. Mies was famed by his fancy "steel andglass" buildings, his study about steel architecture was very wide and hiscomprehension of steel architecture was unique. These studies and ideologies play aimportant roles in the development of steel architecture, until now there are so manyarchitects followed him to study steel architecture.For these factors we talked above, I choose the Mies' steel architecture systemas the beginning of the thesis, choose steel architectures since Mies as the studyobjects, and research new tendency of steel architecture along with the developmentof materials and technologies. In general, the thesis has three parts, and is composedof six chapters: the first part (chapter one, chapter two and chapter three) relates thebackground, purpose, problem of material aesthetics, properties of steel and historyof steel architecture before Mies;the second part (chapter four and chapter five) isthe main text which deeply studied about steel architecture since Mies Van Der Rohn;The third part (chapter six) is the conclusion and the view of future.
Keywords/Search Tags:steel architecture, Mies, material, technology
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