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Theoretical Guidance Of Riverside City In Night Physical Environment Design

Posted on:2006-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360152988895Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The scenery environment rich in local features, which evolves in the long development of the riverside region of Wuhan City, contributes much to the culture of the city. With more and more varieties in the city nightlife, people attach increasing importance to night physical environment design. However, study in this field in our country is still very weak. It is at the transition stage from being orderless to being systemic. The lack of proper theoretical guidance in night physical environment design leads to many problems in the designs. Therefore, it is necessary to have a further study of the design theory of night environment.This thesis includes five chapters, introduction, background, analysis, and solution. Focusing on the real situation, the structural arrangement of this work follows the following scientific logical order, problem observation, problem analysis, and the solution generation. Firstly, the scenery characteristic of the riverside region is summarized, history retrospect, and the nature of this research field objectively and historically grasped. Secondly, an extensive analysis on the three major problems of the status of riverside nightscape, including the bioecological problem, the social problem and the economical, also sustainable developmental problem, is performed. Finally, the solution to these problems is derived from analysis, which consists of six major aspects, i.e. civil planning strategy, architectural nightscape strategy, nightscape strategy on the square, nightscape strategy of the business street, roadway nightscape strategy and greenbelt scenery strategy.The fundamental purpose of the research in improving and promoting the riverside nightscape of central Wuhan within this thesis, is to build the scenery image of Wuhan as a historically and culturally reputable city, and shape the cultural confidence of residents, while improving the living condition of people and the economical development of the city.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wuhan City, riverside region, nightscape, nightscape strategy
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