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The Analysis Of Wu-ting Mountain Villa's Residential Building And Setting Formation

Posted on:2003-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132360092996923Subject:Construction of Technological Sciences
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is specially geographical nature environment, human culture condition, district economy, social development and changes, and particular family backgrounds that form the special assembled vernacular house pattern.This paper analyses the whole apace characteristics of natural environment and building models of Wu-ting Mountain Villa, which is a huge office residence with fortress on the QING River valley. It also studies the characteristics on its space formation, decoration and construction.In this paper, the author researches the" architectural causes of formation which are brought up by the comprehensive effects of its nature, ecology, traditional culture, folk customs, patriarch system and the development of economy, society and history.It not only seeks the protection and exploitation of traditional residential building but also probes sustainable developments principles.-The paper tries to provide the enlightenment and the train of thoughts for modern design by showing the unique-styled scene of WUTING Mo'untain Villa. At the same time, it also appeals for carrying forward our traditionally nationaf culture, and for devoting major effects to develop our ancient residential building resources .
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu-ting Mountain Villa, residential building, fortress, nature, human culture, space, construction, decoration, protection
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