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Fate And Future Of Masonry In Architecture Renewal

Posted on:2011-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330338983819Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Masonry has a long history,it is one of the first building materials used by human. Masonry constitutes a large number of buildings. The history of architecture is written primarily by masonry. In the long course of development, the fate of masonry is changing constantly with the advance of technology and the development of materials. Not only the appearance of masonry is changed from rough to exact, but also the function of masonry is changed a lot. Now masonry, which can not meet the growing demand in building structure, is mainly used for decoration and maintenance.The masonry building, which is the main type of architecture in China, has the feature of large quantity and widespread. Our cities and memories are formed on the basis of the masonry buildings. Many masonry buildings will be renewed as a result of the rapid development of the city, although the condition of some buildings is fine. It is worth studying that the question how to deal with such distinctive masonry buildings better.The thesis has a chronological framework. First of all, it is analyzed that the historical characteristic of masonry by using the development process, the function and the way masonry join together. Then the thesis discusses the development and the challenge in modern masonry. In architecture renewal, there are two ways for masonry buildings. One is structural renewal, the other is skin renewal. The ways in the structural renewal can be divided into three parts: original structure strengthening, old and new structure coexisting, the whole new structure renewal. There are four ways in skin renewal: the coverage of the original material, the reuse of the original material, the join of new and old material, the design of new material. The treatment of masonry in historic building conservation should follow the"authenticity"theory and the appropriate technology. Finally it shows an expectation for the future of masonry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Building Block, Masonry, Architecture Renewal, Conservation, Expectation for the Future
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