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Research On The Function Of Traditional Consumer Package

Posted on:2012-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Z LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330338953319Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper, starting with the function of Chinese folk traditional consumer package, probes into the design philosophy of it. From studying the protection, conveniency, economy, communication and aesthetic function of traditional consumer package , understanding Chinese how to think about the consumer package and how to create it , summarizing the design principle at the end.The paper is composed by seven chapters.The first chapter mainly introduces the significance of selecting the topic and the research contents. The second chapter analyse the concept of traditional consumer package with three parts, answer the question of what is package,what is traditional package,what is consumer package. Ant introdunce the background of thradional consumer package. The three to six chapter mainly analyses the protection, conveniency, economy, communication and aesthetic function of traditional consumer package .The seven chaper is the conclusion, suming up the chief advantages of tradicional consumer package., and the design philosophy of traditional consumer package and its inspiration to the over pacakage.This paper hope throught reasearch the design philosophy, help the development of consumer package degign in future .
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional, Consumer package, Function, Utility
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