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The Humanized Design In Transportation Vehicle

Posted on:2012-03-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F B GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2132330335499995Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As people's living standards,humanized design of transportation vehicle is widely more and more attention.Ergonomics applied to the design of transportation vehicle to go to achieve their human.This is a departure from people's physical needs, and then go meet the psychological needs of the design method.Now transportation vehicle means to meet people based on the physical level, but also emphasizes the spiritual aspects of the impact on people.Scientific and rational design of human nature allows people to experience the public safety, health, efficiency and comfort features, etc., to transportation vehicle user-friendly design continuously improved, and better for the people.Humanized design of transportation vehicle is relative, there is no best, only better design, the transportation vehicle in the design of human rational and scientific level of need to move forward.This paper is a combination of the development of combined transportation vehicle history and the principle of ergonomics, the study of transportation vehicle a large number of domestic and international human nature in design on the basis of the success stories, by shape, color, function, material and other aspects of analysis, In order to find humanized design tool in the development of traffic laws and trends.Ergonomics is the basis of humanized design, it is by anthropometry, body mechanics, work physiology, psychology and other disciplines working methods, structure and function of the characteristics of human research.Find people in the work of the state of physiological and psychological factors, has reached the man - machine - environment interaction and coordination between the three.Transportation vehicle, human development and improvement of the design process is the people's feelings, thinking and understanding the process of continuous improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ergonomics, Transportation vehicle, Humanized design
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