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Establishment Of Mechanism Of Multi

Posted on:2012-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330332498527Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is facing economic development and natural resources, high tension, a high energy consumption and other practical difficulties, this time often will listen to rational choice, that is, as soon as possible to promote environmental responsibility of a multi-level construction of the mechanism. In this paper, the four parts of the environmental responsibility of building a multi-level mechanism for a more comprehensive analysis and research to achieve the construction of a recycling society, to address sustainable development issues.The first part of the environmental responsibility of building a multi-level mechanism of the necessity and feasibility study discussed. Construction of multi-level mechanism for environmental responsibility is to build a recycling society to achieve sustainable development, and coordination of stakeholder needs. Principle of environmental responsibility while improving the environmental legislation and increasing environmental responsibility for the construction of the mechanism provides a theoretical basis and practical basis. Recycling-based society advocates as a natural part of existence in the natural ecosystems and the development of the concept of the economic, ecological and human unity as a whole, requires economic and social aspects of each of the sustainability and has a circular inner and to ensure that economic, social, ecological systems and natural cycle of the cycle of interrelated and interacting. Construction of recycling society will increase the utilization of natural resources, reduce waste emissions, reducing the maximum environmental load, and promote functional recovery of natural ecosystems and their smooth circulation. Recycling-based society is a valid path to achieving sustainable development is the only way for China to move toward sustainable development.The second part of the recycling society by the international mechanism for environmental responsibility, study, summed up the build environment of international legislation on the accountability mechanisms of inspiration, and accountability mechanisms of the status of the build environment and the plight of the analysis, based on the proposed construction in China multi-level accountability mechanisms of the innovation environment. From the current world's major countries have enacted laws of view, the construction of environmental responsibility, the United States, Germany, Japan and other developed countries have gone in front in China, the legislation of these countries have different characteristics and legislative models. In addition to recycling society in Japan to promote the Basic Law, other countries will be defined in the cyclic environmental responsibility within the scope of social law. Such as Germany in 1996 to develop a "Circular Economy and Waste Management Act, " amended in 2000 Japan enacted the "Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources", adopted by the United States in 1984, "Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, " and so on. But we also clearly see that the current governance structure in China, there is no distribution system of sound environmental responsibility and environmental responsibility, supervision system, there is no accountability mechanism in harsh environments and improve the environmental incentives. As a producer in China, not in increasing their environmental responsibility, but in mitigation; to chase more and more mainstream consumers are spacious housing and cars to fashion. So, faced with the introduction of recycling-oriented society, the real attitude of a Chinese law should be:fully consider China's legal system and the transformation of Chinese society, the producers, consumers, the public and the joint efforts of the Government, so that multiple layers of environmental responsibility mechanism of gradual improvement in China in order to establish a recycling society model to achieve the harmonious development between man and nature.The third part of the environmental responsibility of building a multi-level mechanism for system analysis. Specifically in the following aspects:First, sound environmental accountability mechanisms, in the recycling-oriented society, the state, government, business, the public has the obligation to protect the environment. Second, the right to form tight checks and balances and rights conflict resolution mechanisms, and in the accountability mechanisms in the formation of individual responsibility and social joint and several liability, producer responsibility and consumer liability, public liability and State responsibility for the balance and harmony. Third, expansion and business diversification of producer responsibility, producers turned to be responsible for the entire life cycle of products; small and medium enterprises and cooperatives, the rise of renaissance and become a recycling society prerequisite for the production mechanism. Fourth, the green consumer behavior, consumers turn frugal consumption and green consumption, environmental law began to regulate consumer behavior and become a recycling society consumption Mechanism. Fifth, public participation mechanisms developed, public participation is to enable governments and international organizations to choose environmentally friendly behavior and promote enterprise and consumer choice, key elements of a recycling society.The fourth part of the environmental responsibility of building a multi-level analysis of the implementation path. China Conference on Human Environment in 1972 have been made after the end of treatment, source control, process control, clean production policies. With these policies the proposal, the state has issued a series of laws, regulations and rules and norms to form a relatively complete legal system of environmental protection. The development of the international community generally in the context of a recycling society, China has started a recycling society construction of the theoretical study and pilot, and build a resource saving and environment-friendly society as the social development goals and direction. However, the existing legal system of environmental protection, economic growth remains the primary value as a social development goals, not free from the shackles of linear economic mechanism, not establishing a multi-level environment to promote the effective operation of accountability mechanisms, not to arouse the public's environmental awareness. Therefore, to establish a scientific mechanism for environmental education and multi-level ecological compensation mechanism, multi-level policy incentives. In these systems, environment, environmental responsibility of a multi-level construction of the mechanism will become possible.Based on the International Building Mechanism of the multi-environmental responsibility, environmental responsibility and mechanism of multi-storey building of the necessity and feasibility analysis, construction of environmental responsibility in our distribution mechanism, monitoring mechanism responsibility, accountability mechanisms and the implementation of the path. Therefore, the strengthening mechanism of a system of environmental responsibility, is of great significance. In this paper, using empirical analysis and comparative analysis, through the responsibility system of the current situation of environmental analysis and environmental responsibility on the foreign comparative study of the distribution system, proposed to build a recycling society mechanisms for multi-level basic concept of environmental responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:Recycling-based society, Environmental Responsibility, Distributive justice, Environmental Communi
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