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Legal Problems Of The Standard PPM

Posted on:2011-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2131330332473715Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the 1950s, the world facing increasingly serious environmental pollution,resource depletion,species and other issues plummeted because of environmental problems caused by the trade dispute has increased every year; developed countries seek to protect their own economic and development needs, establish high standards of product, hinder developing countries and least developed countries in trade, the formation of a protection line, setting off a new round of trade protectionism. Therefore, the state faced such a situation, put forward a series of solutions, and also increased the country needed to resolve important issues.From the development trend of the world, environmental protection has become an urgent problem to be solved. In the economy by adding "environmental" factor has become an indispensable trend, breaking the previous outdated concept, a breakthrough model focused exclusively on economic growth, protecting the environment to change the cycle of economic development style. Tuna from the United States after the incident, PPM has become a focus problem, the developed and developing countries engaged in a fierce struggle, WTO is to recognize the legal status of PPM is very important, once acknowledged, developed countries have reasonable grounds on trade protection developing countries to implement trade sanctions. For the case in industrial competitiveness, the short term, PPM negative impact will be relatively large; but in the long run, PPM will stimulate technological innovation, making our products internationally competitive advantage. In market access, PPM may result in the further development of our country being more environment-based trade restrictions. The environment, PPM will significantly reduce our production there is the phenomenon of external environmental costs, will help set a high threshold to prevent high-polluting industries to China's further transfer. Therefore, the analysis of the PPM, we have from the theory, problems and countermeasures on the set considered.
Keywords/Search Tags:PPM, Environmental pollution, Green barriers
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