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Elegant Status--the Design And Cultural Extension Of Pearl Jewelry

Posted on:2010-03-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360272988168Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pearl in China, most for exporting material pearl, has the largest yield in the world, occupying 99% of the world total yield. The value of pearl yield is 25% of the world, while retail market value is only very small part, almost zero. Pearl is large-yield but low-value, small yield of jewelry, low added-value, poor ability of comprehensive competitive power, small brand building efforts. According to incomplete statistics, total sales of the world's pearl products in 2003 is about five billion U.S. dollars, while the sales of fresh water pearl only more than 400 million U.S. dollars, accounting for only 8% of the world's pearl sales.Pearl has a long history and relatively profound cultural foundation. Over a period of time, pearl in China has not yet found a suitable path, and is still groping forward slowly. Broadening the space of pearl design and searching the backbone of the pearl in China are the common wish of the pearl industry.With China's rapid economic growth, Chinese consumer economy starts to grow up. The consumers not only pursue products and services of higher quality, and more importantly, search the products with the same status or containing the status appreciated by consumers in itself. Finding out the right status, you will find out the allies of the pearl consumption. According to gentle and noble characteristics of pearl stones, the quality of around 40-year-old female consumer groups with the capability of luxury consumption is analyzed, and combining their preferences and styles, the elegant status of pearl products is made clear. Status is the orientation basis of all product design and extension.Elegance is a kind of life status, also a fashion style.Hope that pearl industry can realize the change from "manufacturing in China" to "consuming in China", from the present situation of exporting raw pearl materials to consuming pearl jewelry in China, and do a good job in pearl design and extension. Seize the opportunity and adapt to the trend. Pearl is our national industry, we cannot shrink the responsibility.
Keywords/Search Tags:pearl, elegant status, introverted, luxury
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