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The Development And Realization Of Safety Assessment Software For Chemical Equipment

Posted on:2008-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360218455180Subject:Safety Technology and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Countries in the world have bent themselves to preventing grave accident occurring inthe petrochemical industry, and safety assessment is one of the most important measures.Safety assessment is in favor of finding out potential dangerous factors in the system andcalculating accident aftermath, so that we can take effectual measures to decrease the loss ofthe accident to the minimum. Quantificational safety assessment and accident aftermathmodel are related to a great deal of parameters, and manual calculation can hardly settle forthe need of time and veracity. Therefore, combining the computer technique with safetyassessment method is able to improve the evaluative speed and the result veracity.This paper develops a computer software of quantificational assessment for chemicalequipment. The major work and conclusions are as follows.(1) Based on the analysis of typical safety assessment methods and accident aftermathmodels, the disquisitive idea and design of computer aided safety assessment is confirmed.(2) Heat of combustion, melting point, boiling point parameters of 300 kinds of chemicsubstance are collected, including Hydrocarbon, aldehyde, keto etc, and occupational harmcritical standard value are also collected, including poison and powder etc. The database ofdangerous substance parameters is established, and many useful functions, including databasequery, addition, deletion, update are offered by the software.(3) The newest enacted law and criterion related to safety production in petrochemistryindustry are collected. Using Visual Chin software to write law and criterion document, andthe user can query the correlative standard and criterion in the process of safety assessment,so that it can offer basis for the assessment.(4) Based on the technique of Visual Basic 6.0 program language visiting Accessdatabase, an evaluative software is developed, including document management module,evaluative method module, aftermath forecast module, occupational sanitation module andhelp module. In the design of the aftermath forecast module, the picture function is used todescribe the variety trend for different accident aftermath along with certain parameter. Thesoftware is friendly, simple and easy to use, the user can easily finish safety assessment byinputting and choosing parameters according to the program prompt. (5) The criticality method is used to evaluate 2,4-D product line by the software, thenMond method and Dow menthod are respectively used to evaluate esterifiable unit and matchemulsion unit. The case of continuous leakiness and momentary leakiness in Ammoniadeposited area is simulated by the software, and the paper qualitatively summarize the trendfor diffused extent of continuous leakiness along with different wind speed, differentleakiness area and the trend for diffused extent of momentary leakiness along with differenttime moving in the air.(6) The software can be used to assess systemic fatalness of productive and depositedequipments in petrochemical industry, and is worth of engineering application.
Keywords/Search Tags:Safety Assessment, Petrochemical Industry, Chemical equipment, Evaluative Software
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