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Study On Effective Utilization Of Mineral Recourses Of Benxi Area

Posted on:2006-08-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2121360185477622Subject:Mineral processing engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The mineral resources of Benxi area are very abundant. 45 kinds of mineral resources, among which 21 kinds have been reserve-explored and listed into the reserve list of province, have been found in this area. The mineral resources of Benxi area are confined by instructive plan for a long time and the management strength of local government is not sufficient in the development process, resulting in unreasonable exploration of mineral resources and serious destruction of ecological environment of this area. There is close relationship between the exploration of mineral resources and the development of national economy. On one hand, the exploration and utilization of mineral resources can promote advancement and development of society and economy; on the other hand, "mineral resources deficit" will form because of excessive exploration and utilization, affecting the sustainable development. Because mineral resources have the characteristics of scarcity, exhaustion and unrenewability, how to explore and utilize mineral resources more reasonably and moderately has been the safeguard of sustainable, rapid and healthy development of social economy, and has very important meaning in study on optimization of exploration and utilization of mineral resources.Major research content of this paper is as follows.1) Suggestion of exploration and utilization of three kinds of mineral resources (iron ore, lime stone and quartz) were proposed by studying major resources of Benxi area. Iron ore resources were discussed from the optimization aspects of index, flowsheet, equipment and disposition. Lime stone was mainly analysed in the direction of corporation by expounding sustainable development of corporations to reach the purpose of optimization utilization of lime stone. For quartz, application areas in industrial fields were analysed by actual investigation and small-size experiments.2) There is close relationship between the exploration and utilization of mineral resources and the development of national economy. Current economic system was simulated with SD. Suggestion that development speed of national economy and exploration speed of mineral resources of Benxi area should be reduced was proposed by predicting and analyzing of major mineral resources (coal and iron) of Benxi area.3) The direction of structure adjustment of Benxi area was discussed and...
Keywords/Search Tags:Benxi area, mineral resources, optimize, exploiture, research
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