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The Study Of Vegetation Classification For Wuzhumuqin Basin

Posted on:2011-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D N AnFull Text:PDF
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This paper take Wuzhumuqin basin as the research object, using Braun-Blanquet method try to make the classification of the vegetation community,and for the results the writer analyzed the water ecological type, life form, floristic composition and others, the preliminary conclusions are as follows:1 The vegetation communities of Wuzhumuqin basin can be divided into three Classes, six Order, nine Alliance and 18 Associations. The Ass type are:Phramitum australis, Salixetum gordejevii-Phrametum australis, Scirpusetum tabernaemontani-Scirpusetum triqueter, Potentilletum anserine-Poaetum subfastigiata, Achnatherumetum splendens-Carexetum enervis, Betulaetum platyphylla, Betulaetum platyphylla-Populusetum davidiana, Stipaetum grandis-Thalictrum petaloideum, Stipaetum grandis-Stelleraetum chamaejasme, Stipaetum grandis-Agropyronetum michnoi, Stipaetum grandis, Ulmusetum pumila-Caraganaetum microphylla, Psammochloaetum villosa, Bromusetum inermis, Agropyronetum michnoi, Ostropsisetum davidiana-Spiraetum pubescns-Stipaetum baicalensis-Filifolinm sibiricum, Stipaetum krylovii-Convolvulusetum ammannii, Stipaetum-Irisetum lacteal, Stipaetum-Potentillaetum acaulis-Thymusetum serpyllum.2 The vascular plant of Wuzhumuqin basin can be divided into 47 Families,146 genera,215 species, compared with the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the number of species contained in the main subjects generally consistent in rankings,but Rosaceae, Liliaceae and Chenopodiaceae are relatively higher ranked.Flora dominated by temperate nature, a total of 111 genera, accounting for 76.03%, the number of tropical nature of the case with 8,it takes 5.48%of the total number, the number of world's distribution genera are 27, accounting for 18.49%.3 From the perspective of water ecological type, of Ulmus pumila, Stipaion grandis, Stipaion krylovii and Polygonumion divaricatum, the water ecological type of the three formers are mainly Xerophyte and mid-Xerophyte, and Polygonumion divaricatum is mainly mesophytes; from the perspective of life form, Ulmus pumila is mainly herb type, for the Stipaion grandis, Stipaion krylovii and Polygonumion divaricatum, the main type is grass. Besides,for Polygonumion divaricatum the annual species are comparatively more than other Alliances.4 In the vertical gradient, the mesophyte species are increased at first, then decrease as the altitude elevation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wuzhumuqin Basin, vegetation classification, Braun-Blanquet method, water ecological type, life form, floristic distribution
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