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Study On The Diet Of The Main Dominant Species Of Rodents In Stipa Breviflora Steppe

Posted on:2003-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R S NaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The diet of the main dominat species of rodents Allactaga sibirica in stipa breriflora steppe were studied in lhurihe Sunit right banner inher mongolia by stomach content analysis the results showed that:1.the main diet of Allactaga sibirica consisted of green stems and leaves, seeds,roots and withered plants and also consisted of some insects when plant biomass were lowev. 2.ten species of plant were often selected by Allactaga sibirica during the different periods Allactaga sibirica always selected Artemisia frigida ,Kochia prostrata,Heteropappus altaicus, Enneapogon borealis,Eragrostis poaeoides . 3.the plant diet composition were same at the same period when water content were same but the plant diet compositon were difteren at the ditlenent periods when whater content were different. 4. Allactaga sibirica stronly selected the seedling plants and had reliable diet habit it was also strenghly competed with grazing animal for plants diet resounes Allactaga sibirica was a harmful species to destroy the grassland regetation and pastoral industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Allactaga sibirica, diet, Stipa breviflora steppe
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