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Xi Jinping On The Construction Of Network Culture

Posted on:2022-11-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C G LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1489306770982799Subject:Information and Post Economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A new round of information technology revolution and industrial revolution has been advanced in depth in recent years.The new generation of information technologies such as big data,artificial intelligence and cloud computing have achieved vigorous development,full integration,rapid transformation and wide application,these new technologies have had a tremendous impact on every aspect of human society in an instant.In particular,under the circumstances of “The biggest change in a century”caused by the global epidemic,the network culture formed and developed on the basis of Internet technology has brought far-reaching influence on the work,life and study of human beings,as a result,the network culture seems to be everywhere,all the time,no one does not use,everywhere.But as we all know,any technology has its pros and cons,and the Internet is no exception.Internet technology is a double-edged sword,which not only facilitates the development of network culture,but also provides a hotbed for various illegal and criminal activities,as a result of many false,fraud,attacks,abuse,terrorism,pornography and violence of the undesirable phenomenon and negative information in cyberspace has been spread and expanded.In particular,in recent times,vulgar,vulgar and kitsch cultures such as “Juan Silveira dos Santos Culture”,“Hacker culture”and “Fan Circle Culture”have made waves through internet platforms,the majority of Internet users,especially young people have a wrong value-oriented and behavior-oriented,if not timely norms and governance consequences will be unimaginable.Based on this,focusing on the strategic needs and goals of national rejuvenation,and centering on the overall requirements,basic tasks and important goals of building a cyber power with Chinese characteristics and a cultural power with Chinese characteristics,he issued a series of important statements on what kind of network culture construction to be promoted and how to promote it,which are valuable and important contents of the new leap of Marxism in China,it has directly made the request,provided the following and indicated the direction for the construction of network culture with Chinese characteristics,and has become the theoretical basis and practical guide for our country to carry out the construction of network culture in the current and future period.On top of that,in March 2020,the Cyberspace Administration of China issued the Regulations on the ecological governance of network information content,the 2021 issued the opinions on strengthening the construction of network civilization in September,and the 2021 issued the national informatization plan for the 14 th five-year plan in December,all put forward the request to the network space ecology governance and the network culture construction.Clearly,the party and the state attach great importance to the Ecological Governance of cyberspace and the construction of cyber culture,which is a major issue of the Times concerning the sustainable development of the Chinese nation and the realization of the Chinese Dream.Cyberspace is the spiritual home of hundreds of millions of people.It is in the interest of the People to build a cyberspace with clear skies and sound ecology.The chaos and deterioration of the ecosystem in cyberspace will poison and damage the world,and may eventually lead to tragic and irreparable damage.Therefore,it is of great historical and far-reaching practical significance to study and probe into the construction of network culture from various dimensions and levels,in the short term,it can provide an important reference for the prosperity of the Internet culture with Chinese characteristics,and in the long term it can provide intellectual support for the realization of the Chinese Dream.The prosperity of a nation depends on the inheritance and development of civilization,and the prosperity of a country depends on the promotion and prosperity of culture.Culture can provide the party with a strong ideological guarantee,the country with a clear value orientation,the nation with a strong spiritual strength and the people with rich moral nourishment,we must constantly strengthen the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics.The construction of socialist network culture with Chinese characteristics is an important part of the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,this paper discusses the goal,principle and path of the construction of the network culture with Chinese characteristics from many dimensions,and provides the direction,direction and route for the construction of the network culture with Chinese characteristics.Therefore,the study on the construction of network culture is the key to promote the development of Chinas network culture prosperity.Based on this,taking the construction of socialist network culture with Chinese characteristics as the main line of study,adhering to the historical materialism and the Materialist Dialectics as the basic guidance,and on the basis of the comprehensive literature research method and the interdisciplinary research method,etc.,this article will The Silkworm Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of network culture,and try to give a comprehensive,systematic,dialectical and objective interpretation of Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of network culture.First,from the perspective of the modernization of national governance system and capacity,the overall national security concept and the reform of the global governance system of the Internet,the importance and necessity of the research on the construction of network culture are put forward.Take the domestic and foreign research present situation as the starting point,for the research,regarding the network culture construction important elaboration provides the profound academic theory foundation support.In the light of the actual situation of the construction of socialist network culture with Chinese characteristics,this paper clarifies and defines such important concepts as the construction of network culture,the governance of Network Culture and Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of network culture,it lays an important foundation for the further development of this research.Second,elaborate on the background of the Times about the construction of network culture.Taking the international background and the domestic background as the basic horizon,in the international context,it mainly includes the deepening of the world scientific and industrial revolution,the increasing transformation of the global Internet governance system,the exceptionally severe ideological struggle on the Internet worldwide,and the accelerating evolution of the expanding influence of the Community of Shared Future in cyberspace,from the domestic background,it mainly includes the continuous progress of the socialist cultural construction,the steady progress of the construction of the Internet power with Chinese characteristics,the coming of the all-media age and the increasingly prominent role of the network culture in educating people.Third,,it expounds the theoretical origin of Xi Jinping's important discussion on the construction of network culture.Based on the classical marxist writers' discourse on culture,this paper systematically combs the cultural construction thoughts of the main leaders of the Communist Party of China,and expounds the theoretical basis and ideological sources of this important discourse in combination with the relevant thoughts of excellent traditional Chinese culture.Fourth,the construction of network culture on the main content of the important discussion of in-depth summary and systematic induction.It is not easy to have a systematic grasp of the huge content,sound system and profound exposition on the construction of network culture,starting from the existing texts of Xi Jinping's speech,congratulatory letters and instructions on the construction of an important network culture,this paper summarizes and summarizes them from three aspects,namely,goals,principles,and path and measures,in order to present the main body of this important exposition systematically and completely,to provide a basic theoretical reference and an important practical starting point for the further study of this important exposition.Fifth,grasp the intrinsic theoretical characteristics of Xi Jinping's important discourse on the construction of network culture from the perspective of thinking methods,basic characteristics and important values.Based on the main content of this important exposition,this paper analyzes the thinking method,basic characteristics and important value of this important exposition.Xi Jinping's important discourse on network culture construction,embodies the bottom line of his strategic thinking,thinking,creative thinking and the use of the rule of law thinking,at the same time the important discourse reflects people's position,highlight the importance of the systemic theory structure and show the openness and other important features of content system,show the enriched and developed the marxist cultural view theory of value,At the same time,it also embodies the practical value of providing programmatic guidance for the construction of Network culture with Chinese characteristics and importance cultivation for the construction of socialist culture in China.Sixth,expounds the practice strategy of Xi Jinping's important discourse on the construction of network culture.Xi Jinping's important discussion on the construction of network culture is a directional and programmatic guide for the construction of socialist network culture with Chinese characteristics.Only when it is implemented into concrete practice can the correctness,scientificity and effectiveness of the theory be fully demonstrated.Therefore,the author puts forward that the practice of network culture construction should be strengthened by trying to cultivate governance culture.Adhere to the overall planning of domestic and international,enhance the inclusive process of network culture construction;Adhere to improve the development mode,enhance the effectiveness of network culture construction method,from these three aspects to promote the implementation of Xi Jinping's important discussion on network culture construction.From the above six aspects,the study of the important discourse on the construction of network culture can clearly explain the overall framework and logical thinking of the important discourse on the construction of network culture,it provides an important theoretical research reference for further exploring Xi Jinping's important exposition on the construction of network culture,and also provides some theoretical and intellectual support for promoting the construction of network culture.Nevertheless,since this important exposition is a theoretical system of large scale,rich content and sound system,it will not be easy to do a thorough study of Xi Jinping's important discourse on the construction of Internet culture.Therefore,this research is just a way to invite jade to teach Fangjia,hoping to arouse the research consensus of the academic circles,so as to contribute wisdom and contribute brick to the study of Xi Jinping's important discourse on the construction of network culture,together for the prosperity and development of Chinas network culture and promote in-depth wisdom.Through the research,this article thinks that the research frame and content of this important exposition still need to be further perfect and perfect.Only in this way,can we really achieve the epoch-making development and innovative breakthrough in the study of this important discourse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Network Culture Construction, Network Culture Governance, Network Culture, Culture Construction, Culture
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