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"1+1" Teaching Case Study

Posted on:2019-07-12Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J M ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487305480461174Subject:School curriculum and teaching
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Pick to class is a main position,the school education teaching of classroom teaching quality directly decides the quality of education.Really high quality education,must be based on a good quality class.Universities should "name" on the high quality class,the school in order to break the "bottleneck" restricting the development of the school,true t o schools,guide case teaching is to coordinate the relationship between the quality-orien ted education and exam-oriented education and improve the quality of classroom teachi ng,save one of the effective teaching model of students in exams,this suffering.In recent years,the research and exploration of guidance case teaching in China has s hown a trend of diversification and multi-level.At present,the reform of "teaching case teaching" mode in China is mainly focused on the following aspects:one is the theoretic al study of the teaching of guidance case;the two is the study of the content of the teach ing case teaching;the three is the study of the teaching mode of the guide case;and the f our is the research method of the teaching case teaching.Although the instruction case teaching is to study and explore the classroom teaching,the research field of the teaching case teaching can not be limited to the classroom time and space itself.It is necessary to study a series of related factors that affect the effectiv e operation of the classroom time and space.In view of the unidirectional defects existin g in teaching,this paper takes the case of S county and county in J Province as a case,a nd extracts "1+1" guidance case teaching.The teaching of "1+1" guidance case is based on the guidance of "guiding learning","learning to promote teaching" and "evaluating and promoting learning",based on releva nt theories,and exploring a kind of teaching reform in its own practice.It is a teacher ba sed on the curriculum standard,according to the teaching material and the actual prepar ation of the students,through the guidance of the students in the guide case before the cl ass.Independent learning and group investigation,in the classroom in the teacher's orga nization,incentive,guidance under the exchange and discussion,combined with the inq uiry practice after class,mutual help and mutual study of a teaching model."1+1" teaching case teaching shows four interrelated connotations:first,from the con tent of teaching,it is "textbook+guidance case";the two is from the relation of teachin g,it is "guidance+self-study",and the three is from the way of teaching,it is "independ ent+Learning".and four is the time distribution of teaching,it is "class".Inside+extra curricular."1+1" teaching case teaching,in promoting teachers to change teaching methods,real ly become students "tutors","assistants","partners",but also promote the change of stud ents' learning methods,the classroom "live" up,the classroom "move","quality" in the c lassroom,quality education and exam oriented education "harmony" The student has be come the master of the study.However,there are still some ideas and methods that need to be renewed in the teachi ng of "1+1".There are still some habits that need to be changed,and some practice need s to be reexplored.Otherwise,"instruction case teaching" will only become a slogan.Th e conclusion has four points:presupposition and generation should strengthen the collisi on of thinking;"three books" should achieve dynamic balance;independent thinking an d cooperative learning should pay attention to dialectical unity;class display should be both form and quality.In order to realize the "quality" in the teaching of guidance case,i t is only to stand in the perspective of "birth book",to respect the students' main body,t o recognize,explore and summarize the laws of education and teaching,so that it is pos sible to end up with the "quality" of the classroom.
Keywords/Search Tags:guided learning case teaching, "1+1", case study
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