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The Negative Influence Of Utilitarianism On College Students In China And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2018-03-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487305420486164Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowdays,Asopening and Socialist marketing economy deeply developing,various kinds of western ideologies flow over into China,which deeply impact our country.The social ideology spread and influences object is different hierarchy,but college students isthe most group people who possess knowledge,they often are the social ideology straight receivers.Western utilianrianism is an important social ideology,which have important influence on our country college students.This influence property is two-ways aspects,positive as well as negative.For positive,it can enhance students mostif,competitive and equal awareness,promote students enthusiasm joining the competition,study hard on the major knowledge,focusing on the self training and developing.but the negative influence is also will easily cause students seek quite success and instant benefits,can not differentiate right and wrong.dimming on the morals awareness,lack oftrust worthiness,hollowing on spirits and selfish appearance.In the paper,we discuss the influence of utilitarianism on the graduate students factor,ways and main solution measure based on the practical study.Thiswhole paper has five parts,the first part is about the theory present on the related conceptions.the main of the parts is to present utility and utilitarianism connotation,western utilitarianism ideology and development process.and then make a historical dialectical appraise for the western utilitarianism,including the analyzing historical progress and limitation and then make a conclusion on the utilitarianism idelogyfeatures,which will provide the solid theory foundation for further research.the second part discuss the research and analysis utilitarianism thoughts affect college students theory foundation and theory reference,which will be theoretical guide for the further research.The third part analyses utilitarianism ideology actualy influence modern college students ideological action by questionnaire survey and individual interview.This part empirical investigation is under the first and second part theory as guide,questionnaire refer to various tests on the similarquestionnaire.The questionnaire test design is all-sideness and diversification,binding the related theory and the investigation result based in the questionnaire analysis.The keynote analyses utilitarianism negative influence as well as the influence feature on the college students.The four part analyses utilitarianism the negative influence factors,process and the way to the college students.The cause includes social,college,family and student itself factor.Processing analysis describes each segment of utilitarianism ideology impact on the student.The fifth part is to discuss the main measure on how the student to resist utilitarianism negative influence.On this part,we suggest promote college students fully and dialectically treat utilitarianism and social unhealthy tendencies via educate college student the ideals and faith,Marxism utilitarianism and college ideology and politics etc.promoting student attend practice to practice the ability and expand their horizon.Through society,college and family effort,to create healthy atmosphere for the college students grow that can resist utilitarianism negative influence on the college students ideals and action,promote modern college students grow up healthy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Utilitarianism ideology, College student, Influence factors, Measures
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